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If I don't haul it over, Sally Ann and Jane'll tote it over between 'em, and if they can't put it into the church by the door, they'll hist a window and put it in that way.

Ha-ha!" with a wringing and a wringing like to wrench my hands off "Anchor out! Haul away! Home with her . . . !" "Jack Battle!" It was all I could say. There he was, grizzled and bronzed and weather-worn, laughing with joy and thrashing his arms about as if to belabour me again. "But who is this, Jack?" I lifted the Indian woman from her knees.

It was late when Winston reached his log-built house, but he set out once more with his remaining horse before the lingering daylight crept out of the east to haul the wagon home.

I reckoned that the haul had brought in more than nine hundredweight of fish. It was a fine haul, but not to be wondered at. Indeed, the nets are let down for several hours, and enclose in their meshes an infinite variety. We had no lack of excellent food, and the rapidity of the Nautilus and the attraction of the electric light could always renew our supply.

Whatever our future course is to be, our first business is to get the boats and cargo out of danger." With tremendous energy because action brought relief to their overstrained feelings the crew of the ill-fated yacht set to work to haul the boats upon the grounded ice.

The succeeding wave lifted the Maggie off the beach, carried her in some fifty feet further, and deposited her gently on the sand. She heeled over to port a little and rested there as if she was very, very weary, nor could all the threshing of her screw in reverse haul her off again.

I had little luck and less patience, and I have no doubt that many a good haul has been taken out of claims previously abandoned by me; for of one or two I had the mortification of hearing while still in the Colony. I suppose I had not the temperament for the work. Dust would not do for me I must have nuggets. So from Bendigo I drifted to the Ovens, and from the Ovens to Ballarat.

"Ay, that was the end of him and all the rest of the crew. The fleet lost five smacks that night." "Admiral's a-signallin', sir," said one of the watch on deck, putting his head down the hatch at that moment. Lockley went on deck at once. Another moment, and the shout came down "Haul! Haul all!" Instantly the sleepers turned out all through the fleet.

"Suppose I pay you the notes and a thousand or two more, and we call it square? Then you salt down what you got." "And you propose to haul off from operating?" "Well, no, I can't say I do. I may try the bulls another fall or two. But you haven't anything else. If we lose, you are smashed. I have other property to fall back on."

When they got the box into camp they lost no time in examining the treasure. The gold and silver amounted to twenty-five hundred dollars, and there were diamonds and other precious stones worth nearly as much more. "About five thousand dollars, all told," announced Dick. "That is not such a bad haul, after all."