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Let it alone, Cary; you are not old enough to interfere hardly to understand." "I am only eighteen months younger than you," said I. "I do not wish to interfere, Hatty; but I do want to understand. Surely your own sister may be concerned if she see you looking ill and unhappy." "Do I look so, Cary?" I thought, from the tone, that Hatty was giving way a little. "You look both," I said.

I don't think we realize how much she has to bear that she never feels well." "Oh, that is all very well," Christine would answer, for she had a quick temper too, and would fire up after one of Hatty's sarcastic little speeches; "but it is time Hatty learned self-control. I dare say you are often tired after your Sunday class, but no one hears a cross word from you."

Sophy's hair was rough, and Hatty had put on a gown he did not like, and Fanny's ruffle had a hole in it; and then he turned round and scolded my Aunt Kezia for not having us in better order. My Aunt Kezia said never a word, but I felt sure from her drawn brow and set lips, as she stood making tea, that she could have said a great many. Mr Keith was silent and grave.

"And now, Hatty?" said I. I meant to ask what she believed now: but she answered me differently. "Now," she said, in a low, hopeless voice, "the shrine is deserted, and the idol is broken, and the world feels a great wide, empty place where there is no room for me a cold, hard place that I must toil through, and the only hope left is to get to the end as soon as possible."

As Hatty rode along in the carriage, and all seemed so tenderly interested for her, the little girl went back in memory to the time before she started on that all important visit to her grandmother.

Fanny has found that will not do, so she tries to imitate my Aunt Dorothea and Amelia Bracewell, but she goes on the other side of her pattern, and does not sound the u full where she ought to do it, but says, "The basin is fell of shegar." Hatty laughs at them both, and lets her u go where it likes, but she is not so bad as Sophy.

The swift motion through the cool air made Hatty glad to draw close round her the shawl she had thrown over her bare neck and arms; and Mrs. Lee reached forward to fold the baby’s blanket closely about it.

Stowe was called to Brooklyn on important business, from which place she writes to her husband under the date June 11, 1861: Immediately I was of course eager to get to Jersey City to see Fred. Sister Eunice said she would go with me, and in a few minutes she, Hatty, Sam Scoville, and I were in a carriage, driving towards the Fulton Ferry.

After a moment, in which she asked God to help her to keep down her own quick temper if Marcus should make a harsh reply, Hatty said: “Marcus, you know what mother tells us about the book where what we call secret things are written down, to be read on the great day when all things will be known. Something will stand against your name, there, worse than a mark for being unpunctual.

From the first, Bessie had accepted the responsibility of Hatty. Hatty's peculiar temperament, her bad health and unequal spirits, had set her apart from the other members of the family, who were all strong and cheerful and full of life. Bessie had realized this and had made Hatty her special charge and duty; but now there was a gap in her daily life, a sense of emptiness and desolation.