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"Oh, yes, Frank, several of the lizards have the power, as well as some other animals; the little harvest mouse, for instance; but none of them are possessed of it in so high a degree as the American monkeys. "I have now pretty well exhausted my stories about the monkey tribe. I recollect only one more at present, and it occurred to the same traveller to whom Kees belonged.

In casting about for a field that promised the widest opportunity for his talent, he discovered the Immanuel Church in the city. Here philanthropy burned with such zealous enthusiasm that the harvest was not sufficient for the laborers. Phineas saw his chance and grasped it. He became a Prodigal Son. From that time on his sole vocation was attending church.

You cannot judge of a man by only knowing what his debts are; you must be acquainted with his resources. 'But your estates are mortgaged, your crops sold, at least you tell me so, said Eva, mournfully. 'Estates! crops! A man may have an idea worth twenty estates, a principle of action that will bring him in a greater harvest than all Lebanon.

Her grace and fancy appear in the drawings which she finds time to make for "Florentia," and in such pictures as "The Rose Harvest." This highly accomplished woman, who has musical and literary talent, is the wife of Count Francessetti di Mersenile. <b>MANKIEWICZ, HENRIETTE.</b> Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.

Henry deserves full credit for the encouragement and actual pecuniary help which he rendered at first, and no blame for its discontinuation. The daring of the adventurers was but ill repaid for the time; yet a mighty harvest was to be reaped by England in the days to come.

She was certain now that she must do some new thing to obtain peace with God. Long monotonous days ripened within her this altered mind. On one of the warm days that fell at the end of the apple harvest, when such vagrant labourers as had collected to help the farmers were loitering at liberty, Smith held his first and last public meeting in the place where his boyhood had been passed.

Will you let me take you somewhere, where we can be happy together?" Cherry turned her confident, childish face toward him; her lashes glittered, but she smiled. "I love you, Peter!" she said. And the words, sounding softly through the silence of the garden, died away on the warm night air like music. It was night, the third night of the harvest moon.

That set her thinking, and the more she thought, the more curious she grew. He played the violin well; suppose she should ask him to come and fiddle at the party her father was to give at the end of the harvest. She resolved to do it, and he, not knowing what moved her, gave his promise eagerly.

The island of Teneriffe was reached on the 28th of the same month, and there the officers hoped to be able to make a few gleanings after the rich harvest of knowledge which their predecessors had reaped; but the Council of Health in the island, having received information of an outbreak of yellow fever on the shores of the Mediterranean, imposed on the Coquille a quarantine of fifteen days.

A dusky rose sometimes lurks there with such an effect of vitality as you will hardly get from the shallower pink of the flaxened haired. And the suggestion is that of late summer, the colour of wheat almost ready for the harvest, and darker, redder flowers poppies and others than come in Spring.