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Perhaps it was this very self-esteem that blinded him here to the appalling truth. Yet in the end understanding came to him. When the precise significance of the fond leer of that painted harridan's repellent coquetry was borne in upon him he felt the skin of his body creep and roughen But he dissembled craftily.

And then the little groups again formed themselves, and Lady Julia was left alone on the corner of a sofa. "Was that all an invention of yours, sir?" said Alexandrina to Crosbie. "Not quite. I did get a letter this morning from my friend Bernard Dale, that old harridan's nephew; and Lord De Guest has been worried by some of his animals.

Go on with the old harridan's epistle." "'Having now got rid of fleshly considerations I mean money ones let me, my dear James, offer a word in season. Remember that it comes from an attached relation, who holds your worldly affairs as nothing " "I can't dispute that," said my father with a smothered groan. "'But would turn your attention to the more important considerations of our being.

It was plain that he did not approve of Sir George's condescension. 'I have no notion, Soane answered, yawning. 'But he has got a very pretty girl with him. Whether she is laying traps for Dunborough 'The viscountess's son? 'Just so I cannot say. But that is the old harridan's account of it. 'Is she here too? 'Lord, yes; and they had no end of a quarrel downstairs.

He had seized Good Fortune by the forelock, and not waited to find the harridan's bald and slippery crown turned to him in pitiless derision.

'Confound it! I thought. 'My part was to release her from this harridan's clutches, not to go round and mix tears and gin with the woman. But I was wrong. I should have gone much farther, or not near so far.