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He had been attempting to sweep the dining-room floor which is of hardwood, with a centre rug and had had a bad time of it. The Skeptic jeered at him and mentioned the implements he should have used. Azalea looked at them both wonderingly. "How in the world do you men come to know so much about housework?" she inquired, wiping a single teaspoon diligently.

My aim was true and the blow was sufficient, for the body behind the curtain crashed against the hardwood casing of the window and then sank to the floor, motionless, and in another instant I had dragged into view the senseless form of a man in the livery of the palace servants a man whom the prince instantly recognized as a trusted servitor of the czar one who had been told that a guest was expected to occupy that chamber, and who had been detailed to wait upon me one who had been especially selected for his loyalty and discretion.

We agreed to separate, accordingly; but he took me on board in his own boat with the hardwood fittings and entertained me on the way with an account of his late visit to Butaritari, whither he had gone on an errand for Carthew, to see how Topelius was getting along, and, if necessary, to give him a helping hand. But Topelius was in great force, and had patronised and well out-manoeuvred him.

And over these same forest tops rose the moon, the stars grew thicker and brighter, and through the finger of hardwood glowed the fire of St. Pierre Boulain's men while close beside him, silent in these hours of silence, David felt growing nearer and still nearer to him the presence of St. Pierre's wife. On the strip of sand Andre, the Broken Man, rose and stood like the stub of a misshapen tree.

"We aren't so far from the end of the state land in this direction," commented Lew. "That's the very place you suggested exploring. We might look up the line, as Mr. Morton suggested. You notice the stand of pines ends a long distance this side of the line. That's all hardwood forest up that way." "The sooner we get at it, the better," agreed Charley.

They rarely molest larger game, though some of the tribes employ a net in which to entrap the kangaroo. Of all the weapons used by savage tribes the boomerang is the most interesting. In shape it is a flat strip of hardwood having an angle, or else slightly curved in the middle.

Harvey had a notion that the east coast of his native land, from Mount Desert south, was populated chiefly by people who took their horses there in the summer and entertained in country-houses with hardwood floors and Vantine portires. He laughed at the ghost-tales, not as much as he would have done a month before, but ended by sitting still and shuddering.

We ascended to the first floor, where we were encountered by three aides de camp, in full dress, leaning with their backs against the hardwood railing, laughing and joking with each other, while two walllamps right opposite cast a bright flashing light on their splendid uniforms. They were all decore with one order or another. We approached.

Patrolman Cornelius Rellihan, six feet two, was lofty enough. He marched to and fro beyond the rail, his heavy shoes flailing down on the hardwood floor. Every morning the bang of those boots started the old pains to thrusting in Mac Tavish's neck. But Officer Rellihan was the mayor's major-domo, officially, and Stewart's pet and protégé and worshiping vassal in ordinary.

In the lower hallway the boys found several men at work, cleaning and oiling the hardwood floor. They had a box of wax polish with them, and this immediately gave Tom an idea. "I'd like to buy a little of that," he said, to the head workman, and a bargain was quickly struck, and the fun-loving Rover walked away with half a box of the wax polish. "What are you going to do with it?" asked Sam.