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Taltavull exchanged three small diamonds for cash, which enabled us to settle outstanding accounts; Haigh procured a basket of bread, hard-boiled eggs, and vermouth bottles; I made two or three chandlery purchases, and gave the rigging a bit of an overhaul.

Beef mutton pork he swallowed them all like a shark and between meals he was often discovered behind barrels eating hard-boiled eggs. The result was that when we reached Melbourne this infamous skeleton weighed sixty-four pounds more than I did! I thought I was ruined but I wasn't.

4 hard-boiled eggs 2 tablespoonfuls of butter 2 level tablespoonfuls of flour 1/2 pint of milk 1 cupful of finely chopped cold cooked chicken or fish 1 teaspoonful of salt 1 saltspoonful of pepper Chop the eggs rather fine. Rub the butter and flour together, add the milk, stir until boiling, add the salt and pepper.

I perceived that I was eating something very delicious, hard-boiled eggs wrapped in a covering of meat jelly flavored with herbs and put on ice for a few moments. I said as I smacked my lips to compliment Marambot: "That is good." He smiled. "Two things are necessary, good jelly, which is hard to get, and good eggs.

Stobell, ever willing for a free show, stared at the dismal man and groped in the recesses of his memory. The name seemed familiar. "The man who ate three dozen hard-boiled eggs in four minutes?" he asked, with a little excitement natural in the circumstances. Captain Brisket stared at him. "No; Peter Duckett, the finest mate that ever sailed," he said, with a flourish.

Molodi had quite recovered from the wound he had received on 2nd August, and he carried the basket that contained our luncheon. This consisted of three bottles of milk and a few hard-boiled eggs, with a supply of salt and pepper. There is nothing so good as milk for support during a long day's work, provided it is used with water, in a proportion of one-third milk.

I can order what I want at meals. At first when I wanted boiled eggs and heard Boggley order unda bile, I remonstrated, "Not under-boiled, hard-boiled," until it was explained to me that unda meant egg. The native can't say any word beginning with s without putting a y before it, thus y-spice beef, y-street.

It was on that very Sabbath, too, that they learned the Dominie had recovered and that school was to reopen on the following day. This was good news to the Twins, for like all Scotch children they longed for an education, and the next morning, bright and early, they were on the road to the village, carrying some scones and hard-boiled eggs for their luncheon, in a little tin pail.

A similar plan was adopted with the salads of burrage, chicory, marigold leaves, bugloss, asparagus, rocket, and alexanders, and many other plants discontinued in modern cookery, but then much esteemed; oil and vinegar being used with some, and spices with all; while each dish was garnished with slices of hard-boiled eggs.

ANCHOVY SALAD. Wash, skin, and bone eight salted anchovies; soak them in water for an hour; drain and dry them. Cut two hard-boiled eggs into slices. Arrange the leaves of a head of lettuce neatly in a salad-bowl and add the anchovies and the eggs. Prepare a plain dressing in a soup-plate, pour it over the salad and serve. The fish may be minced, chopped, or cut into fillets.