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With the tow-line round his shoulders, while the torrent roared past and filled the canyon with the 'voice of many waters, Mackenzie leaped to the dangerous slope, cut foothold and handhold on the face of the cliff with an axe, and scrambled up to a table of level rock. Then he shouted and signalled for his men to come up.

That handsome face so close to hers affected Rhoda strangely. "Don't be afraid," whispered Kut-le. "Nothing can happen to you while I am taking care of you." Rhoda looked into his eyes proudly. "I am not afraid," she said, reaching for a fresh handhold with trembling fingers. The jutting rocks were sharp. Kut-le from his ledge saw Rhoda look at her hold then turn white.

I have a barometer on my back, which rather impedes my climbing. The walls of the fissure are of smooth limestone, offering neither foothold nor handhold.

As the land lay, a slope of ice sunk on the one hand; on the other hand a steep rose, shouldering forwards; between the two was space for a foot to be planted, but none for a body to stand; yet a juniper bough, thrusting out, gave a handhold secure enough for one with a resolute grasp to swing past the perilous place, and pass on safe.

There was only the narrow footpath of the trapper and the fisherman close down to the water; and when the rocks broke off in sheer precipice, an unsteady bridge of poles and willows spanned the abyss. A 'Jacob's ladder' a hundred feet above a roaring whirlpool without handhold on either side was one thing for the Indian moccasin and quite another thing for the miner's hobnailed boot.