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We could see they were really afraid, so we took off the handcuffs and gave them back the carbines. "Before entering the city we found that the whaler had left the harbour, and felt sure we would not be detained long, as nothing could be proved against us. When we were brought before the beak Jonathan told our story, and showed several letters he had received from Boston, so he was discharged.

Once, when insulted, he sprang at his tormentor the captain of the ship and with his shackled hands knocked him down; and again he bit off the nail that fastened his handcuffs, and by these feats of strength and anger awed his guards into some show of respect. The method by which he saved himself from a felon's death in England was worthy the dignity of a veteran diplomat.

The wretch only groaned in reply; but Murden, thinking that he was shamming, slipped a pair of handcuffs on his wrists, and then served the Irishman, whom Fred had rendered tongue-tied by a blow from his revolver, in the same manner. "A neat pair of handcuffs is an ornament that disgraces no one, while they add to a person's security eighty per cent.

So saying, the rider slipped from his horse, whipped out of his pocket a pair of handcuffs joined by a short, stout steel chain, and, leaving his horse standing, grasped Renmark's wrist. "I'm a Canadian," said the professor, wrenching his wrist away. "You mustn't put handcuffs on me." "You are in very bad company, then.

In the same instant the bespectacled German tried to snatch the other vial away from Wilhelm, but that soldier, too, dodged and saved the vial. "On the ground is a good place for you!" growled Sergeant Kelly, knocking the stoop-shouldered stranger flat. Then, before the fellow could rise Kelly had snapped handcuffs his wrists.

Meanwhile, Kilsip remained seated in his chair, humming an operatic air and chinking the handcuffs together, by way of accompaniment. He felt intensely pleased with himself, the more so, as he saw that by this capture he would be ranked far above Gorby. "And what would Gorby say? Gorby, who had laughed at all his ideas as foolish, and who had been quite wrong from the first. If only "

They had not travelled far into the woods, before his sick companion, quite overcome with fatigue, declared he could go no farther, and presently fell down in a swoon. Confined by the handcuffs, Smith was obliged to lie by him in the woods, two days and nights, without meat or drink! and his comrade frequently in convulsions! On the third day he died.

The handcuffs were of that type which tightens with pressure as the lock tumbler slides over a series of notches. With such an arrangement the wrist can be squeezed and pinched in a refinement of torture that is disabling. Dawson now clasped his fist around the bracelet which he meant to leave locked.

"No; but we have Sambo Ebony here, and he's going to be hurt if he tries to stir." President and treasurer of the Melliston Company raced to the spot. Barely sixty seconds afterward Foreman Corbett, with four negroes and one Italian laborer, also came up. "Corbett, you have the handcuffs I gave you the other night, haven't you?" Tom asked. "Yes, sir. Here they are."

Perhaps we should all have had to go to Epsom! And I couldn't bear to see you in handcuffs, you know." "Don't you think we had better leave them alone?" I said to Miss Trevor. She smiled and shook her head. "You are blind as a bat, Mr. Crocker," she said. The Celebrity had weighed Miss Thorn's words and was listening passively now while she talked.