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He was dressed immaculately, and with a cigar in his hand, lay in a big chair. He started when he saw them. Hames grinned, and sat down close in front of him. "I'm going back on my bargain. I want my money and you can keep your land," he said. "The fact is Mr. Acton has got on my trail, and he's not the kind of man I have any use for fighting."

MÍTYA. I don't drink. "Oh, I'll sing an old song, Of Eréma, of Fomá " ARÍNA. Stop, saucy; you've crumpled me all up! "The reins were in Kalúga; In Tarús' the hames were hid. Grooved runners had the sleigh; All by itself it slid." The girls laugh. ARÍNA. Let me go, I say! ANNA IVÁNOVNA. What are you teasing the old woman for? Come and dance with me. RAZLYULYÁYEV. Come on, then! Play for us, Yasha!

He had not driven far, before one of those little accidents occurred to his harness which, small in themselves, have so often serious results: the strap of the hames gave way, and the traces dropped by the horse's sides. Mr. Colman never went unprovided for accidents, but in a dark night, in the middle of the road, with a horse fresh and eager to get home, it takes time to rectify anything.

Try your hames on, and draw them tight enough at the top of the mule's neck, so that they will not work or roll round. They should be tight enough to fit well without pinching the neck or shoulder, and in fine, fit as neatly as a man's shirt-collar. Do not get the bulge part of your collar down too low. If you do, you interfere with the machinery that propels the mule's fore legs.

Christmas went on but just as the passion of the moment calmed down, the trailing reins fit to hold a whale, be it repeated caught in a tough sapling, and it was Christmas that went down. It was only a trip, but as he got up and faced about looking for the remains of the sled, the harness, tugged by the reins, crowded on his neck backband, collar, hames, chains and all.

Instead of hames there were wide wooden yokes, the ends of which passed through mortices in the ends of the shafts, and were fastened with pins, while, as there was no belly-bands, the yokes rose on going down hill, bringing our sleds upon the horses' heels. The Finnish sleds have excessively long shafts, in order to prevent this.

As each man fitted the wooden shafts over his shoulders I could see that they were welted with corns like a mule's shoulders chafed by the hames through many a summer's plowing. Consider, too, the thousands of Chinese and Japanese who do the work not of carriage horses, but of draft horses.

He's had twa gude hames fair thrown at 'is heid, but the sperity bit keeps to 'is ain mind. An' syne he's usefu', an' hauds 'is gab by the ordinar'." He often reinforced his inclination with some such argument. With all their caution, discovery was always imminent.

"Now, I'm going to buy that land Waynefleet sold from you or, rather, he's going to give you your money back for it. You can arrange the thing with Hutton who, I believe, supplied the money afterwards as best you can." Nasmyth fancied Hames was relieved that no more was expected from him. "I guess I'm in your hands," observed Hames.

The mithers an' bairns maun juist gang hame an' stap their havers, an' licht a' the candles an' cruisey lamps i' their hames, an' set them i' the windows aboon the kirkyaird. Greyfriars is murky by the ordinar', an' ye couldna find a coo there wi'oot the lichts." The crowd suddenly melted away, so eager were they all to have a hand in helping to find the community pet. Then Mr.