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Suddenly I stopped short in my thinking, and going to my bag I took from it the little box of quinine capsules which had been given to me by the doctor's daughter, and promptly proceeded to swallow one of them. "It may be of service to me," I said to myself. When I made my appearance in the hallway I met the little man, who immediately burst into a roar of laughter. "Lord, sir!" said he.

Sneed on the head, so something happened. And what a fuss he made! He's the real grouch of the company, all right. Well, here we are!" and the young man guided his companion into the hallway of the Fenmore. "See you again!" called Alice, as she went into her door and Russ into his. "Is that you, Alice?" called Ruth, from an inner room. "Yes, dear. Has daddy come home?" "Not yet.

The hallway there was dimly lighted by two pale jets of gas one far to his right, the other nearer, to his left. He looked toward the nearer light and saw, within its wan halo, a green door. For one moment he hesitated; then he seemed to see the contumelious sneer of the African juggler of cards; and then he walked straight to the green door and knocked against it.

It is thus the poets thrive. And when she was asked about the new song of the morning stars, Eve, though she knew it as she knew her litany, answered no; and so did Eve's daughter, standing in the dimly lighted hallway of the Barclay home in Sycamore Ridge; and so then and there being, these two made their next meeting sure.

What a variety of fragrant flowers! But we must hurry, for we can not afford to miss the services. We ascend the long flight of steps and are now greeted by the superintendent and his wife, the matron. Next we traverse a long, wide hallway. Turning to the left, we mount a few steps, and then come up against a solid iron double door.

It's right. An' if you say so " "Yes," replied Lenore. "By Heaven! He shall see you, then," said Anderson, breathing hard. "I'm justified even even if it..." He did not finish his significant speech, but left her abruptly. Presently Lenore was summoned. When she left her room she was in the throes of uncontrolled agitation, and all down the long hallway she fought herself.

In the main hallway they took the form of quaint Florentine lanterns which were particularly rich in modeling and were an important factor in the scheme of decoration. The furnishings were most appropriate and harmonious throughout, much of the furniture having been especially built for the place in which it was to stand.

Mrs. Carew shuddered again, and laid a trembling hand on Jerry's shoulder. "Not HERE!" she recoiled. But the boy did not hear. With shoves and pushes from sturdy fists and elbows, he was making a path for his charges; and before Mrs. Carew knew quite how it was done, she found herself with the boy and Pollyanna at the foot of a rickety flight of stairs in a dim, evil-smelling hallway.

The same insolent sweetness was in her eyes when they again reverted to him. He knew the look; he had encountered it often enough in the hallway and on the stairs.

The four of them driver, helper, Lockley and Jill crowded into the building hallway to investigate the one lighted room in a town where twenty thousand people were supposed to live. There was a door with a frosted glass top through which light showed. The driver turned the door-knob and marched in. The room had an alcoholic smell.