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'Look sharp, Alf! hallooed out Harold, rushing up-stairs with the bags in one hand, and his bread-and-butter in the other. 'If you find a letter for that there Ragglesford, I don't know what I shall do to you! I must be back in no time for the hay! And he had bounced down-stairs again before Ellen had time to scold him for making riot enough to shake Alfred to pieces.

We shouted when we came opposite the first island, but there was no response; so we went to the second, and tried there, and obtained the same result. "Oh! I remember now," said George; "it was the third one." And we ran on hopefully to the third one, and hallooed. No answer! The case was becoming serious. it was now past midnight.

Away they went then as before; but the Egyptians had gained considerably on them, and hallooed and shouted, and, worse than all, fired off their pistols with as good an aim as they could take, running as they were at full speed. Fortunately the bullets did not reach the fugitives; just then the latter caught sight of their boat, which they had left under shelter of a rock.

Sponge, put the hounds to me! roared Mr. Watchorn, dreading lest they might hit off the scent. Mr. Sponge answered the appeal by turning his horse the way the hounds were feathering, and giving them a slight cheer. ''Ord rot it! roared Watchorn, 'do let 'em alone! that's a fresh fox! ours is over the 'ill, pointing towards Bonnyfield Hill. 'Hoop! hallooed Mr.

The boat had then shoved off, and I was left to my fate; still I hoped that such was not the case, and I hallooed again and again, but in vain, and I thought it was all over with me. It was a dreadful position to be in. I said my prayers and prepared to die, and yet I thought it was hard to die at fifteen years old.

Directly afterwards another boat full of armed men came along side; they jumped on deck with swords drawn, and ordered all of us into her immediately; I stepped below, in hopes of getting something which would be of service to us; but the captain hallooed, "Go into the boat directly or I will fire upon you."

The boy chirruped and hallooed and swore; the men pushed the car until it came up to the horse's heels; but he only kicked and baulked, and would not draw. There was nothing to be done but to dismiss the beast and his driver, and try again.

But then I affected not to hear her, under pretence of seeing that the sedan chairs were ready, and hallooed to the slaves with such zeal that Madam Cavendish's voice was drowned, though with no seeming rudeness, and Mary and Catherine came forth in their rustling spreads of blue and green, and the black bearers stood grinning whitely out of the darkness, for the moon was not up yet, and I aided them both into the chairs, and they were off.

"No such thing, watchman," hallooed out the accused, "the b counter- skipper never had any watch! he only filched a twopenny-halfpenny gilt chain out of his master, Levi, the pawnbroker's window, and stuck it in his eel-skin to make a show: ye did, ye pitiful, lanky-chopped son of a dog-fish, ye did." "Come, come," said the watchman, "move on, move on."

The crowd hallooed with glee, as though they had found new life. "Hail, hail!" was shouted again and again, and it was addressed, not merely to the old man who had promised them deliverance, but also to the Fathers of the city, who felt as if a fearful load had fallen from their souls.