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"Oh, poor fool!" she thought in pity for herself, for this was what the Colbury people had been saying all day in their swift, recurrent glances, their half-masked asides, their furtive turning to look after her. And she to have given herself a day of such keen misery unconscious of their covert encomiums! "I live up thar in the wilderness till I jes' don't sense nothin'," she said.

In her mourning she made a wonderfully appealing picture, as she gazed down at her plate, even though her lowered lashes half-masked the mismated beauty of her eyes. Suffering had laid a veil of transparent pallor over the brilliant vividness of her coloring a coloring that her lover had once likened to the gorgeousness of the Mosque of Omar.

These demands, as you remember, were really no more than masked, or, rather, half-masked annexationist aspirations at the expense of Lithuania, Courland, a part of Livonia, the Isles of Moon Sound, as well as a half-masked demand for a punitive war indemnity which we then estimated would amount to six, eight or even ten milliards of rubles.

So with a shout of victory, and the drummer beating a lively march, they rushed to the redoubt, where not a man was to be seen. "But as they reached it, and were about to climb the ramparts to plant their flag there, a sudden and galling fire of musketry and grape-shot poured out upon them, from a half-masked battery on their left flank, formed by an angle of an old embankment.

Having reached the fire, he sat down with his back to it so that his half-masked face was still further concealed in shadow and being supplied, as well as his comrade, with a large cut from the joint, he at once set about satisfying the appetite of hunger.