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Beverley Fortescue had three months' leave before taking up his duties as an officer at the post and it was a halcyon time at the Commandant's house. In spite of the torrid heat, there were parties of pleasure and little dances, and all the round of gaieties that prevail at army posts.

"In one respect, yes, Katherine. I see plainly that things can no longer go on as they have been going. Llewellyn concurs in that." He glanced toward the Doctor, who nodded gravely. "I do most fully. Our halcyon days must end, I fear, as all such days do eventually, and we must meet the more prosaic side of life. Let us hope it will assume a pleasing form.

In walking to Fiesole one follows the high walls of the Villa Palmieri, which is now very private American property, but is famous for ever as the first refuge of Boccaccio's seven young women and three young men when they fled from plague-stricken Florence in 1348 and told tales for ten halcyon days. It is now generally agreed that if Boccaccio had any particular house in his mind it was this.

The Naval Academy authorities had given us every despatch and assistance, and the middies, frank, personal hospitality. The day was halcyon, the grass was green and soft, the apple-trees were just in blossom: it was a day to be remembered. Many of us will remember it, and show the marks of it for months, as the day we had our heads cropped.

A new body of thought must be built up, in which stress must be laid upon the eternal verities, in the light of which difficulties which now seemed unsurmountable would be gradually overcome. But this halcyon period was yet afar off, and the colonel roused himself to the duty of the hour. With the best intentions he had let loose upon the community, in a questionable way, a desperate character.

And then he would look aloft, perhaps, and give an order for a brace to be tautened here, or a sheet slackened there the hours thus flying by in halcyon moments, as far as the wind and sea, and the course of the ship, and all on board were concerned collectively and individually. The nights in these southern latitudes were simply beautiful beyond compare.

The Pinta was about to withdraw to her anchorage as we boarded the Ancon; and then, too late, I discovered among the officers of that terror of the sea an old friend with whom I had revelled in the halcyon days at Stag Racket Bungalow, Honolulu. He was then on the U. S. man-of-war, Alaska of jolly memory; and he, with his companions, constituted the crack mess of the navy.

No wonder that men look back upon their college life as upon halcyon days, the romantic period of youth. No wonder that Dr.

They built her over, cut down her length, and changed her so hardly anybody would recognize her. But I knew the Mary Ellen for the Halcyon almost as soon as I came aboard." "And is that why you acted so so queer?" "Partly yes. You see she was first the Mary Ellen and the mutineers named her the Halcyon. Then, when she was rebuilt she became Mary Ellen again."

Such unbroken array of declinations heartened him in his quest, and he was reaping his halcyon harvest as rapidly as he could. "I was going to put them on exhibition at the centennial, and make them the great feature of the day," mumbled the poet, apologetically. "So do! So do!" advised the Cap'n with bitter irony.