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Treaties of peace and alliance, pardon of Louisiana and Florida, Alaska, etc., all in Uncle Sam's own handwritin'. And then there wuz the arms of the United States and hain't it a sight how fur them arms reach out north and south, east and west protectin' and fosterin' arms a good deal of the time they are, and then how strong they can hit when they feel like it!

"Then what you wastin' your time on me for?" Scattergood asked. "If we let you build your infernal little railroad will you drop out of this?" "Hain't in it to speak of." "Will you take your hands off if we give you your railroad and guarantee train service?" "Can't seem to see my way clear." "What do you gain by passing this bill? You're nothing ahead. It won't give you your railroad.

"I jest told Jonas he must help Olive wash the dishes to-day, for I hain't seen ye for so long I'm just dyin' to have a talk with yer, 'cause I s'pose you'll eat and run while yer here, you know so many folks." "We haven't much to tell about ourselves," said Quincy. "What we want to know is how Fernborough folks are getting along."

"Well, God I may die, if it ain't Chad! How air ye, Chad? Goin' up to ole Joel's?" "Yes. How are things on Kingdom Come?" Hence spat on the ground and raised one hand high over his head: "God I may die, if thar hain't hell to pay on Kingdom Come.

"There ain't many more to come down, and they have cleared the ground pretty well, see if they hain't." Robby ran to look, and was alarmed to find how few remained. He called Teddy, and they worked hard all one afternoon, while the squirrels sat on the fence and scolded.

Fitch, who had run from the washtub to get into her Sunday waist, came out of the door. "So you hain't forgot me!" she exclaimed. "I was almost afeard you'd forgot me." "I've been away," said Victoria, gently taking the woman's hand and sitting down on the doorstep. "Don't set there," said Mrs. Fitch; "come into the parlour. You'll dirty your dress Mary!" This last in admonition.

I've heard about that now," rejoined Nancy; "an' that's why you could 'a' knocked me down with a feather when I see HIM at the door him, what she hain't spoke to for years! But I let him in an' went an' told her." "What did she say?" Old Tom held his breath suspended. "Nothin' at first.

I likes ter see a woman thet kin toss her head like a fractious filly. I hain't got no manner of use fer tame folks." He came close and stood devouring her with the passion of his lecherous eyes, and Dorothy knew that her long effort to play a part had reached its climax. He reached out his hands and for the second time he laid them upon her, but now he did not seek to sweep her into an embrace.

They absolutely never come into the house; and my straw hat is the only really becoming thing I've got to wear!" "Don't give a dum if yeh never marry," said Bill. "Hain't seen the man yit that was good enough fer yeh, from my standpoint." Bill's reputation was pretty well known to me by this time.

"As you hain't got no more Cannybals to show us, old man," said one of 'em, who seemed to be a kind of leader among 'em a tall dis'greeble skoundril "as you seem to be out of Cannybals, we'll sorter look round here and fix things.