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She bent swiftly for something that she tossed to Lerumie. It was a long-handled tomahawk, the head of it an ordinary shingler's hatchet, the haft of it, native-made, a black and polished piece of hard wood, inlaid in rude designs with mother-of-pearl and wrapped with coconut sennit to make a hand grip. The blade of the hatchet had been ground to razor-edge.

But the brethren that morning had plaited some whale sinew, and fastened the haft of the ax with which they intended to cut up the whale; and he, supposing that they had been the sinews of the rein-deer, raised the cry. Being informed of his mistake, he changed his tone and exclaimed, "O! the rotten wood! O! the rotten wood!"

Sir Mungo, skilful in discerning when the withers of those he conversed with were wrung, observed that his new acquaintance winced, and would willingly have pressed the discussion; but the cook's impatient knock upon the dresser with the haft of his dudgeon-knife, now gave a signal loud enough to be heard from the top of the house to the bottom, summoning, at the same time, the serving-men to place the dinner upon the table, and the guests to partake of it.

"Ring the women round," roared Bolle, "and strike home for Foterell, strike home for Harflete! Ah, priest's dog, in the King's name this!" and the axe sank up to the haft into the breast of the captain who had told Cicely that she would be warm enough that day without her cloak. Then there began a great fight.

So fierce was the fight they fought that they cleft the shields to their centers. So fierce was the fight they fought that their spears were shivered from socket to haft. So fierce was the fight they fought that the demons of the air screamed along the rims of the shields, and from the hilts of their swords and from the hafts of their spears.

Now let the Opener of Roads give us this sign of the falling of the Black One's spear and I shall be content." "Would you know the spear if it fell?" asked Cetewayo. "I should know it, O King, who have often held it in my hand. The end of the haft is gnawed, for when he was angry the Black One used to bite it. Also a thumb's length from the blade is a black mark made with hot iron.

'As easy as that, said Lake, chucking a little bunch of grapes full into Sir Harry Bracton's handsome face. Lake recoiled a step; his face blanched as white as the cloth; his left arm lifted, and his right hand grasping the haft of a table-knife.

She was not strong enough. Faster, faster, rushing at the next curve so that she could scarce steer round it As quietly as she could, she demanded of her father, "Pull back on this brake lever, far as you can. Take both hands." "I don't understand " "Heavens! Y' don't haft un'stand! Yank back! Yank, I tell you!" Again the car slowed. She was able to get into second speed.

They were passing the block of jasper, the ancient stone of sacrifice. Zoraida went by first; Kendric was passing when an impulse prompted him to put out a sudden hand for the keen edged knife of obsidian. He slipped it into his belt and hid the haft with his coat.

Joe Lake touched Shefford's arm and pointed at the haft of a knife protruding from Waggoner's breast. It was a wooden haft. Shefford had seen it before somewhere. Then he was struck with what perhaps Joe meant him to see the singular impression the haft gave of one sweeping, accurate, powerful stroke. A strong arm had driven that blade home.