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He wants me as witness in a concealed weepon case." "One of your boys?" "Huk-uh: nobody as I'm keerin' fer." "Then why don't you go?" "I cain't afford to. I'd haffter walk nineteen miles out to the railroad, pay seventy cents the round-trip to the county-site, pay my board thar fer mebbe a week, and then a witness don't git no fee at all onless they convict."

He rolled his quid and placidly answered: "Huk-uh; when I move, all I haffter do is put out the fire and call the dog." His apparent indifference was only philosophy expressed with sardonic humor; just as another neighbor would say, "This is good, strong land, or it wouldn't hold up all the rocks there is around hyur."

Jerseys, and other blooded cattle thrive in the valleys, where there are no free ranges, but the backwoodsman does not want "critters that haffter be gentled and hand-fed." The result is that many families go without milk a great part of the year, and seldom indeed taste butter or beef.

Looks like to me we'll have a rainin', windin' spell." "No: I'll haffter go down." "Well, come agin, and fix to stay a week." "You-uns come down with me." "Won't go now, I guess, Tom." "Giddep! I'll be back by in the mornin'." "Farwell!" Rather laconic.

Thar's only one sarviceable wagon in this whole settlement, and you can't hire it without team and driver, which is two dollars and a half a day. Whar one o' our leetle sleds can't go, we haffter pack on mule-back or tussle it on our own wethers. Look, then! The only farm produce we-uns can sell is corn. You see for yourself that corn can't be shipped outen hyar.