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He soon discovered that the Canadians were honest to the last degree, and had gone in for the trip thinking all was above- board. "I soon see ze man haf von bad eye," said the Canadian. "I tell Menot I no like heem. Now he has brought ruin on our ship." The Canadian imagined that Crabtree had hypnotized the sailing qualities of the Wellington as well as cast a spell over Mrs.

Three pistol shots came from the town, and two townward-bound horsemen broke their trot and passed at a gallop. "Come on, Judge," laughed one. "I declare, son, I don't know what toe do. You betteh go 'long back." "Oh, father, don't send me back! Lemme go 'long with you. Please don't send me back! I couldn't go. I'd just haf to turn round again an' follow you. Lemme go with you, father.

As they were about to go Eli said: "I forgot to tell you dot I haf seen Bim Kelso de odder day in St. Louis. I haf seen her on de street. She has been like a queen so grand! De hat and gown from Paris and she valk so proud! But she look not so happy like she usit to be. I speak to her. Oh my, she vas glad and so surprised!

"Well, I HAF to tell you this one 'cause she told me to! Oh!" Jane clapped her hand over her mouth and jumped up and down, offering a fantastic silhouette against the light of the Open door. "Oh, oh, OH!" "What's matter?" "She said I mustn't, MUSTN'T tell that she told me to tell! My goodness! I forgot that!

It is not my fault dat you send for me so late I can't help your vife. It is not my fault if der baby comes mit one arm first, so dot I can't save it. I haf tried all night, und in dot place vere it is not fit for dogs to be born, und mit notting to eat only vot I brings in mine own pockets."

"I am glad to see Mr. Prent," said the landlady. "And is he an actor like you, Signor Orlando?" "Not yet. We don't know what may happen. But he comes on business, Mrs. Schlessinger. He wants a room." The landlady brightened up. She had two rooms vacant, and a new lodger was a godsend. "I vill show Mr. Prent what rooms I haf," she said. "Come up-stairs, Mr. Prent."

"Sure!" replied the other. "I will do it myself. Vy did I go through the Commune?" And so the whole family adjourned to the attic, and the little printing outfit was dragged out from under the piles of rubbish. "I used it myself," said the old carpet designer. "But vhen I come here they give me a varning, and I haf not dared. For two years I haf not even been to the meetings of the local."

Schmallvays, you haf obtained a footing in this airship," he said, "by disgraceful and systematic lying." "'Ardly systematic," said Bert. The Prince silenced him by a gesture. "And it is within the power of his Highness to dispose of you as a spy." "'Ere! I came to sell " "Ssh!" said one of the officers.

The little back is too young to haf such heaviness." Wasn't it good of him? I like such things, for as Father says, trifles show character. When I mentioned it to Mrs. K., that evening, she laughed, and said, "That must have been Professor Bhaer, he's always doing things of that sort." Mrs.

"What are you following for? Didn't I say that I had done with you?" "Oh, sir!" Iskender burst into a flood of tears. "Haf mercy! Drife me not away! I luf you so! and how can I leaf you in this wilderness. You loose your way, and I I die of fear!" His tears and piteous words only displeased his lord the more. But it seemed to be the livid weal upon his face that quite incensed the Frank.