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"I know " Gyp's puzzled frown cleared magically. "Mother has five tickets for the Philadelphia Symphony to-morrow night I'll ask her to let us go and invite Miss Gray to chaperone us.

Then Gyp's words taunted her. "You can back out if you want to!" Jerry had never been severely punished in her life; as she sat very quietly in Dr. Caton's office waiting for assembly to end she wondered, with a quickening curiosity, what it would seem like. Anyway, nothing could be worse than having to walk out of the room before all those staring boys and girls.

At times Gyp's tendency to get at the very root of things annoyed her older sister. "I don't care about dictionaries. Now that the school's going to be at Highacres we four want to always be very careful how we speak of Uncle Peter and act sort of dignified out there " "Rats!" cut in Graham, with scorn. "I say, Gyp that's my banner!"

Treading water to regain my breath after a futile struggle of some minutes' duration, and holding poor `Gyp's' head well up so that he should not be drowned by the spent seas that broke against us, I squinted round to see what they were doing on board the Martin in the way of trying to pick us up.

The baby was under the trees at the far end, and the dogs came rushing thence with a fury which lasted till they came within scent of him. Winton went leisurely up to the perambulator, and, saluting Betty, looked down at his grandchild. She lay under an awning of muslin, for fear of flies, and was awake. Her solemn, large brown eyes, already like Gyp's, regarded him with gravity.

No answer; then a half-choked, "Don't 'ee think don't 'ee think! Your Daddy'll be here directly, my sweetie!" Gyp's eyes, wide open, passed from the firelight and that rocking figure to the little chink of light that was hardly light as yet, coming in at one corner of the curtain. She was remembering.

"Of course," she murmured in a voice lowered to the etiquette of a haunted room. "You're not frightened because you didn't know Uncle Peter. If I was afraid of him when he was alive what " "Sh-h-h!" commanded Jerry. Uncle Peter's ghost might be hovering very close to them and might hear! Gyp's words did not sound exactly respectful.

Oh, don't let Duckie sit against your pretty frock! Come, Duckie!" But Duckie did not move, resting his back against Gyp's shin-bones. Mr. Wagge, whose tongue had been passing over a mouth which she saw to its full advantage for the first time, said abruptly: "You 'aven't come to live here, 'ave you?" "Oh no! I'm only with my father for the baths." "Ah, I thought not, never havin' seen you.

Well, he sha'n't be disturbed. Yes, it's Gyp's delight, and Colonel Woodburn likes to write here in the morning. Think of us having a real live author in the house! And Miss Woodburn: I'm so glad you've seen her! They're Southern people." "Yes, that was obvious in her case." "From her accent? Isn't it fascinating?

Sometimes he felt that it was an adorable little creature, with its big, dark eyes so like Gyp's. Sometimes it excited his disgust a discoloured brat. This morning, while looking at it, he thought suddenly of the other that was coming and grimaced. Catching Betty's stare of horrified amazement at the face he was making at her darling, he burst into a laugh and turned away into the music-room.