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The ancient servitor, however, knew little or nothing of those he served; his master was the honourable baron; but of his name he was ignorant; his mistress was young; they had not been many months there; they knew no one had no visitors he had heard they were English, but did not know it himself; they were "Gute leute," "good people," and that was enough for him.

The Doctor, to whom we have referred above, is mentioned twice in the four verses composing the song; he was evidently regarded as an important figure; while the whole is put into the mouth of a 'Singer' evidently the Spokesman of the party, who proclaims their object, "Verschiednes konnend suchen wir Gute Dinge," i.e., gifts in money and kind, as such folk processions do to-day.

Gute Reise! It was no time for regretful gazing, for the flood-tide was sweeping us up and out, and it was not until we had set the foresail, edged into a shallow bight, and let go our anchor, that we had leisure to think of him again; but by that time his and the other craft were shades in the murky east.

O, der gute, schlichte Junge!" Wilfrid had been working up his German. He stopped rowing, red with vexation. 'That is a malicious invention, he declared. 'Nothing of the kind! The truth of the remark struck me. 'I am obliged to you. 'But, my dear boy, what is there to be offended at?

Over a small group of houses in the poorer section of the city, where the prostitutes were quartered, grim Prussian humor, or perhaps a sense of value received, had prompted the conquerors to write in great white chalk marks in German script, "Gute Leute. Nicht brennen!"

"Du himmlische Güte!" exclaimed the Kapellmeister, "If the bird isn't trying its wings! Behüte, child!" He put a strong arm about her, looking down at her sternly and shaking his head: "Do you call this obedience?" he said grimly, "I thought I told you not to leave that couch alone eh?" "Don't scold me," said Kaya, "I feel so well to-day, and there is something leaping in my throat.

It is interesting to note the affectionate familiarity which these ladies permitted him. He begins another letter to this lady in a strain courtly and dignified, in marked contrast to the excessive warmth of the previous example: "Alles Gute und Schöne meiner lieben, verehrten, mir theure Freundin, von ihrem wahren und verehrenden Freund."

Her eyes were cast down, and she was nervously plaiting the edge of her little black-bordered handkerchief. All at once she raised her eyes and looked straight at the window. How blue her eyes were! Rex dropped his face in his hands. "Oh God! I love her!" he groaned. "Gute Nacht, gnaedige Herrn!" Sepp and Federl stood in their door with a light.

On another door we read, also in German script, "Good people they give everything!" and on several were orders to leave those within alone. And there was a curious and touching irony in that phrase: "Gute Leute Schoenen!" chalked in stiff script by those now fighting for their lives to the north of us and likely never to see their fatherland again.

Is it to show the Duke of Kingston that he cannot live without her? a dangerous experiment! which may possibly convince him that he can. There is a trick no doubt in it; but what, I neither know nor care; you did very well to show her civilities, 'cela ne gute jamais rien'. I will go to my waters, that is, the Bath waters, in three weeks or a month, more for the sake of bathing than of drinking.