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Gus was groping for words more eloquent of his displeasure at his son and his hatred for the object of Buddy's misplaced affections, when Gray forestalled him. "Just a minute. You are a rich man and you are growing richer. Careful, frugal, prosperous people like you are apt to become unduly hard and oversuspicious; but you mustn't permit it.

Together with Walter Heriot, Andrew Saddlebank, our best bowler, the drollest fellow in the world, John Salter, and little Gus Temple, were oftenest cited. They declared that they invariably uttered 'Amen, as Heriot did, but we none of us heard this defiant murmur of assent from their lips.

Then the ghost, taking advantage of the hillside, flung Gus aside and before the boy had time to leap upon his foeman again, the white figure, his habiliments torn off, had backed away and threatened Gus with the pistol. There was no mistaking the voice that uttered the threat: "Keep off, or you'll get punctured! You needn't think anybody's going to get me. I'm going to vanish.

On the morning of the fifteenth of October the Kronborg family, all of them but Gus, who couldn't leave the store, started for the station an hour before train time. Charley had taken Thea's trunk and telescope to the depot in his delivery wagon early that morning. Thea wore her new blue serge traveling-dress, chosen for its serviceable qualities.

His heavy lids had a fluttering way at times during which his prominent eyes seemed to flicker. "What's the chance with Gus Ingle's 'Secret' this year, Mr. King?" he demanded silkily. King wheeled on him. "What do you know about it?" he said sharply. "And who has been talking to you?" Gratton laughed, looked wise and amused, and strolled away. At luncheon Mrs.

Sometimes I get snippy with Alicia these days. "No," said my half-sister in an exasperated way. "Why will you persist in speaking in that way? You are very provoking. It is not likely I would wish to see you throw yourself away on a poor man, and I'm sure you must like Gus." "Oh, yes, I like him well enough," I said listlessly.

She folded her work in deft fashion, putting thimble and thread away in a bag which, in time, became something of a marvel to Gus, who declared a man never wanted anything but she'd find it in that bag; then went about preparing breakfast, and soon Gus was sipping what seemed like nectar to the poor fellow, who was used to decoctions that might have a name, but neither looked nor tasted like any known drink.

Bill continued: "Talking about Edison when he was a boy: he wasn't afraid of work, either. He got up at about five, got back to supper at nine, or later, and maybe that wasn't some day! But he made from $12 to $20 a day profits, for it was Civil War times and everything was high." "I think I'd work pretty hard for that much," said Gus.

Why, Gus, you've no idea what a perfectly charming person I can be when when I can be what I am. I thought I was too old and too blase ever to become seriously interested in a woman, above all in a girl, but Do you remember when Ma and Allie came to Dallas that first time? Something happened about then to upset all my ideas."

Cotton thereupon said he had had enough, but Gus avariciously tried to reconstruct the positions. He failed dismally, and Cotton laughed sweetly. Now Cotton's laugh would almost make his chum's hair curl, so he retorted pretty sweetly himself, "I say, Jim. I can't get out of my head that awful hammering you fellows got this afternoon. Think Biffen's lot likely to shape well in the House matches?"