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At two miles came upon another large creek, having a running stream to the south of west, and coming from the north of east. Timber, melaleuca, palm, and gum, with some of other descriptions. This I have named the Katherine, in honour of the second daughter of James Chambers, Esquire.

And you had six before?" "Yes, uncle," replied Duane. "Five and six. That makes eleven. By gum! A man's a man, to carry all that lead. But, Buck, you could carry more. There's that nigger Edwards, right here in Wellston. He's got a ton of bullets in him. Doesn't seem to mind them none. And there's Cole Miller. I've seen him. Been a bad man in his day. They say he packs twenty-three bullets.

Then from the jar he took a box of rock crystal containing a sort of greenish compound which he kneaded into a little gum gum tragacanth, I afterward learned, and bade us taste. It was not at all unpleasant to the taste, and as nothing happened, except the suave droning of the mystic before us, we ate several of the gum pellets.

And, by gum, it's old hell-a-mile jes' a-hittin' his heels. Where you been at, you old skeezicks?" "How are you, Johnnie? And what are you doin' here?" The Runt was the kind of person who tells how he is when any one asks him. He had no imagination, so he stuck to the middle of the road for fear he might get lost. "I'm jes' tol'able, Clay.

So long as we could touch the bottom with our paddles, we were very gay; but gradually, as the water deepened, we became more still in our frail bateau of gum cloth distended with air, and with pasted seams.

Ten minutes elapsed while the Opequon rippled by and the crimson gum leaves drifted down, then somewhat bashfully from the tent came forth Stonewall Jackson metamorphosed. Triumph perched upon the helms of the staff and the visiting cavalry. "Oh! Oh! " "General Stuart will be so happy!" "General, the review this afternoon! General, won't you review us that way?" He did.

The bulk of it is grown on marshlands, which a few years ago were nowhere worth more than a few dollars an acre. The mint is sent to the manufacturers, where it is purified and made into flavoring extract or used in chewing gum, etc.

A heavy silence succeeded. It was broken by a murmur from Mr. Tubbs. "Wonderful that's what I call wonderful! Talk about the eloquence of the ancients I believe, by gum, this is on a par with Congressional oratory!" "A vision, Miss Browne," said Mr. Shaw gravely, "must be an interesting thing.

Because the maid's sniffing around there, she's reading a post-card some one left on the side-table. Oh yes, and she's chewing gum. Laura has certainly departed. Probably Laura is chewing gum herself at the present moment, now that she's out from under the eye of her maid.

When Jessie awoke, she seemed to feel intuitively that Frank was her best friend, for she kept beside him during our hasty dinner, and retained his hand during the walk. There was a pleasant breeze, and we did not feel over fatigued when, after having walked about eight miles, we sat down beneath a most magnificent gum tree, more than a hundred feet high.