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"Oh, it's you, is it?" said she gruffly, as she opened the door; "don't you think better break de door down at once-rapping as if you was guine to tear off de knocker is dat de way, gal, you comes to quality's houses? You lived here long nuff to larn better dan dat and dis is twice I've been to de door in de last half-hour if any one else comes dere they may stay outside.

Once again I talked to M. Letourneur about our situation, and endeavored to animate him with the hope that we should not be detained for long in our present pre- dicament; but he could not be brought to take a very san- guine view of our prospects.

These sandes lie vnder 18. degrees, and you must passe betweene the coast of Guine and the sandes aforesaid, not going too neer eyther of them, otherwise close by the Coast there are great calmes, thunders, raines and lightnings, with great stormes, harde by the sands men are in daunger to be cast away: and so sayling on their course, first East South East, then East and East and by North.

Gháná, whence, perhaps, the Portuguese Guiné and our Guinea of 'the dreadful mortal name, became the great gold-mart of the day. Famous in history is its throne, a worked nugget of solid gold, weighing 30 lbs. Most of the wealth came from a district to the south-west, Wangara, Ungura, or Unguru, bordering on the Niger, and supposed to correspond with modern Mandenga-land.

She waved her crop gaily and rode toward us across the lawn. "Howdy!" she called, in a droll imitation of the mountain dialect. "Ain't you-uns guine to ask me to 'light a while, an' set a bit, an' talk a spell?" Radnor's face had flushed quickly as he perceived who the rider was, but he held himself stiffly in the background while the Colonel and I did the honors.