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Moreover, he thoroughly realized what the coming of Blanch and his family meant. They had come to laugh at him and his surroundings to ridicule his ideas. The great harlot world had come to pooh-pooh to scoff and laugh him out of his convictions, and no one knew better than he did what the mighty power and influence of the great civilized guffaw meant.

He broke into a loud guffaw and unlatched the little door that led into the street. He did not call Nils by name, but caught him by the hand and dragged him in. Clara stiffened and the colour deepened under her dark skin. Nils, too, felt a little awkward. He had not seen her since the night when she rode away from him and left him alone on the level road between the fields.

My only fear was that I should never get it to stop again. We talked on for twelve hours without ceasing, and, after a little sleep, went on again the whole of the next day." A loud guffaw from the occupant of a distant hammock made the boatswain stop short, and look round with an indignant glance. "I should like to know, Mr Haugh! Haugh!

For a week Jim was irregular and unsteady in his habits, when one night, full of gin and pride, he staggered up to a crowd which was surrounding his rival, and said in a loud voice, "James Johnsonham, Junior how does that strike you?" "Any bettah than Isaac Johnson, Junior?" asked some one, slapping the happy Ike on the shoulder as the crowd burst into a loud guffaw.

might be more hilarious and demonstrative in their mirth than I, a sober New Englander in the superfluous decade, might find myself equal to. But there was no uproarious jollity; on the contrary, it was a pleasant gathering of literary people and artists, who took their pleasure not sadly, but serenely, and I do not remember a single explosive guffaw.

"That's what you deserve, too!" "I demand " he exclaimed, but further utterance was drowned by a hearty guffaw from Andrew which fully confirmed the outrageous insult. "Just what I should expect of you," sneered Uncle Jake, while Mr Rooney-Molyneux, his attention thus diverted from his own affairs, gazed in watery-eyed surprise at a second victim of the retributive Dawn.

"That was the negro's last act, however; for, as he broke into a huge guffaw of triumph over the ghastly deed, I fired my revolver, the barrel of which I shoved almost into his mouth and blew his brains out!" "Hooray!" exclaimed the impulsive Garry O'Neil on hearing this. "Faith, I ounly wish, colonel, I had been there with ye. Begorrah, I'd have made 'em hop at it, sure, I bet, sor!

"I think I do," replied Stephen, quietly. The Judge suppressed something. "What did you do with this person?" he demanded "I took her to Miss Crane's boarding-house," said Stephen. It was the Colonel's turn to explode. The guffaw which came from hire drowned every other sound. "Good God!" said the Judge, helplessly.

The dogs danced and Polly squealed, while the rotund lady managed to step on young Back Bay's toes and almost forgot to "beg pardon," but Mr. Possum hung on by his long rat-tail with the greatest serenity. "Buck up thar, nigger, shake dat whole tree; dis here ain't no cake-walk," one of his confrères yelled, and the sally was caught with a loud guffaw.

When he saw the child who had captured him he was speechless, and he got off his horse and cut a big switch to give the colonel a whipping, but the doughty Infant drew down on him again and made him ride, foaming with rage, back to town. The butcher was good-natured at the trial, however, and the tutor heard him say, with a great guffaw: "An' I do believe the d n little fool would 'a' shot me."