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As the boy grew up, he called his protectors by the name of father and mother; but he knew they were not such, for John had shown him the spot upon the Haugh where he had found him wailing on the bosom of his dead mother.

During the day they received visits from the Rev. Mr and Mrs Thompson of the American Mission, and also from many ladies and gentlemen of the Jewish community. Mr Ed. Kilbee, of the firm of Kilbee, Haugh & Co., Bankers, came to inform Sir Moses that he could find no one to take charge of the money for Jerusalem.

Now this progress of the river, or this changing of its bed, is determined by the strong resistance of the new made haugh, humbly standing firm in the protection of its vegetation, while the elevated surface of the older haugh, deserted by the inferior soil which it had ceased to protect, falls a victim to its exalted state, and passes away to aggrandize another.

These men, Middleton, Halyburton, Roy, and Dunbar, all of them young, had been in arms for King James, and were taken when his Majesty's forces were surprised and defeated by Livingstone at Cromdale Haugh. Middleton was a lieutenant; his friends were junior in rank, and were only ensigns.

"Hoot awa', lads, hoot awa'; Ha' ye heard how the Ridleys, and Thirlwalls, and a', Ha' set upon Albany Featherstonhaugh, And taken his life at the Dead Man's Haugh? There was Williemoteswick And Hardriding Dick, And Hughie of Hawdon, and Will of the Wa', I canna tell a', I canna tell a', And many a mair that the deil may knaw.

She wants me to be a stiff, cold, finnikin fop, like that conceited young Brownlow, of the Haugh. "Not if I know it, madame ma mere. You will never make a courtier of me, any more than you will a whig. The colonel fought at Naseby, and was with the king in France. Papa was a tory, and so am I." And the lad whistled a Jacobite air as he made his way with a rapid step to the stables.

But more than this he had to direct his feet; there was in his ears the echo of Alastair's pibroch the piobaireachd which he was to hear whenever the Laird would be in trouble or wanting him. Onward the piobaireachd led him down the water of amber-coloured Coquet and now round the last crook he had just turned he saw a building of dark grey stone upon the edge of the haugh below him.

The margin of the brook, opposite to the garden, displayed a narrow meadow, or haugh, as it was called, which formed a small washing-green; the bank, which retired behind it, was covered by ancient trees.

But this operation, of accumulated soil upon the stony bottom, has a period, at which time the river must return again upon its steps, and sweep away the haugh which it had formed. This is the natural course of things; and it happens necessarily from the deepening of the soil. Let us then examine this operation.

The margin of the brook, opposite to the garden, displayed a narrow meadow, or haugh, as it was called, which formed a small washing-green; the bank, which retired behind it, was covered by ancient trees.