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A young man, named Giovanni Guasconti, came, very long ago, from the more southern region of Italy, to pursue his studies at the University of Padua.

"Not yet, not yet, Signor Giovanni Guasconti," said the professor, smiling, but at the same time scrutinizing the youth with an earnest glance. "What! did I grow up side by side with your father? and shall his son pass me like a stranger in these old streets of Padua? Stand still, Signor Giovanni; for we must have a word or two before we part."

It was Baglioni, whom Giovanni had avoided ever since their first meeting, from a doubt that the professor's sagacity would look too deeply into his secrets. Endeavoring to recover himself, he stared forth wildly from his inner world into the outer one and spoke like a man in a dream. "Yes; I am Giovanni Guasconti. You are Professor Pietro Baglioni. Now let me pass!"

Perchance her father destines her for mine! Other absurd rumors there be, not worth talking about or listening to. So now, Signor Giovanni, drink off your glass of lachryma." Guasconti returned to his lodgings somewhat heated with the wine he had quaffed, and which caused his brain to swim with strange fantasies in reference to Dr. Rappaccini and the beautiful Beatrice.

The fame of this and other pieces of jewellery roused against him the envy and malice of the elder goldsmiths, and led to a serious fray, in the course of which he assaulted a young man of the Guasconti family, and was obliged to fly disguised like a monk to Rome. As this is the first of Cellini's homicidal quarrels, it is worth while to transcribe what he says about it.

No sooner was Guasconti alone in his chamber than the image of Beatrice came back to his passionate musings, invested with all the witchery that had been gathering around it ever since his first glimpse of her, and now likewise imbued with a tender warmth of girlish womanhood.

His Fame His Autobiography Its Value for the Student of History, Manners, and Character, in the Renaissance Birth, Parentage, and Boyhood Flute-playing Apprenticeship to Marcone Wanderjahr The Goldsmith's Trade at Florence Torrigiani and England Cellini leaves Florence for Rome Quarrel with the Guasconti Homicidal Fury Cellini a Law to Himself Three Periods in his Manhood Life in Rome Diego at the Banquet Renaissance Feeling for Physical Beauty Sack of Rome Miracles in Cellini's Life His Affections Murder of his Brother's Assassin Sanctuary Pardon and Absolution Incantation in the Colosseum First Visit to France Adventures on the Way Accused of Stealing Crown Jewels in Rome Imprisonment in the Castle of S. Angelo The Governor Cellini's Escape His Visions The Nature of his Religion Second Visit to France The Wandering Court Le Petit Nesle Cellini in the French Law Courts Scene at Fontainebleau Return to Florence Cosimo de' Medici as a Patron Intrigues of a petty Court Bandinelli The Duchess Statue of Perseus End of Cellini's Life Cellini and Machiavelli.

He would sacrifice human life, his own among the rest, or whatever else was dearest to him, for the sake of adding so much as a grain of mustard seed to the great heap of his accumulated knowledge." "Methinks he is an awful man indeed," remarked Guasconti, mentally recalling the cold and purely intellectual aspect of Rappaccini. "And yet, worshipful professor, is it not a noble spirit?

Guasconti mechanically did as the old woman advised, but could not quite agree with her that the Paduan sunshine was as cheerful as that of southern Italy. Such as it was, however, it fell upon a garden beneath the window and expended its fostering influences on a variety of plants, which seemed to have been cultivated with exceeding care. "Does this garden belong to the house?" asked Giovanni.

Scarcely knowing what he did, Giovanni threw down the bouquet which he had hitherto held in his hand. "Signora," said he, "there are pure and healthful flowers. Wear them for the sake of Giovanni Guasconti." "Thanks, signor," replied Beatrice, with her rich voice, that came forth as it were like a gush of music, and with a mirthful expression half childish and half woman-like.