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Thirty years ago these grapes, ripe in January, were sold by the grower at 20s. per pound and resold at 40s. per pound for Napoleon III.'s table. To-day the same grower sells them at only 2s. 6d. per pound. He tells us so himself in a horticultural journal. The fall in the prices is caused by the tons and tons of grapes arriving in January to London and Paris.

My letter of introduction slowly read and digested, the head of the family placed himself at my disposal. We set off on a round of inspection, the burning mid-day sun here tempered by a delicious breeze. We first visited the olive-presses and corn-mill this farmer was village miller as well as olive grower all worked by water-power and erected by himself at a heavy outlay.

And then more people came in and sat at the opposite side of the table, a gardener of another bulb grower, and his two daughters. He raised his hat to the Van Heigen party, and received a similar salutation in return, though he and they were careful to put their hats on again, a draught being a thing much feared.

The father, on the other hand, confessed that he responded as the rose grower and exhibitor, rather than as one who had an opportunity to encourage his son's love responses by recognizing, from his son's point of view, the appropriateness of the gift. When, therefore, he very understandably scolded and spanked his child for picking the rose, the little boy was dreadfully upset.

In his cups he said as much and the Caxton corn grower, punching his neighbour in the ribs, shook with delight over the statement. When Sam was a twelve year old, barefooted boy upon the streets a kind of backwash of the wave of glory that had swept over Windy McPherson in the days of '61 lapped upon the shores of the Iowa village.

"Yes I think he has told them, or else Mr. Grower has....May I leave you now? My he was detained at Port-Bredy to-day, and sent me on a few hours before him." "Then it is HIS WIFE'S life I have saved this afternoon." "Yes and he will be for ever grateful to you." "I am much obliged to him....O you false woman!" burst from Henchard. "You promised me!" "Yes, yes!

In some parts of the country market-gardening and fruit-growing are the chief industries of the people. Now, when a vegetable raiser or fruit grower starts to count up the cost of his crops, one of the items which he must take into consideration is the 25 per cent. of his products which goes to feed the insects of the surrounding country.

Several other species are found in Madagascar, some of them only recent discoveries. The occurrence of similar or even identical plants in tropical America and Madagascar has its analogy in the Animal Kingdom as represented in the two countries. Cultivation. All the species appear to grow well and flower freely under cultivation, the slowest grower being, perhaps, R. sarmentacea.

"I wanted to come," she faltered. "Sally Grower brought me..." Hodder went back with them to Dalton Street. His new ministry had begun. And on this, the first day of it, it was fitting that he should sit at the table of Horace Bentley, even as on that other Sunday, two years agone, he had gone to the home of the first layman of the diocese, Eldon Parr.

"Will you be good enough to let Mr: Parr know that I will see him at his house, to-night?" he added, as he took his departure. Sally Grower went out with the physician, and it was Mr. Bentley who answered the question in the rector's mind, which he hesitated to ask. "Mr. Parr must come here," he said. As the rector turned, mechanically, to pick up his hat, Mr. Bentley added