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The man looked on her flashing beauty; and in the madness of his desire to possess it he forgot his awe of her. "God! How beautiful you are!" was forced from his breast like a groan. "You poison a man's blood!" His speech came in thick blurts like clotting blood. "What business have you got up here?

Simultaneously with the report came a sharp yell of agony and a groan, and as the smoke drifted away two oars were seen to drop overboard and two forms to sink down into the bottom of the boat. Then Price's piece spoke out, and Williams himself sprang convulsively from his seat and fell forward.

He explained to her with a groan that he should have to wind up all the affairs of an estate of 8,000 pounds a year, pay the annual and other encumbrances, etc., etc. "Well, but, dear, you will be quite at home in this, you have such a turn for business." "For my own," shrieked the old bachelor, angrily, "not for other people's.

Maurice raised himself on his elbow and surveyed her in surprise, forgetting to reply. "What is the matter?" she asked again, looking at him with a pair of serious gray eyes. "Nothing," he answered. The gray eyes grew merry. Rosalind laughed, as she said, "Then you ought not to groan. I thought when I heard you, perhaps you had fallen from a tree."

The stout old lady in the corner emitted a sound between a snort and a groan. "Charity inmate! What are we all but charity inmates!" The first old lady drew herself up stiffly. "You may speak for yourself, Mis' Graham, but I am no charity inmate." "You're just as much of one as I am." "What do you mean?

A look of strength flashed into Freckles' face at her words. "I am ready," he said. With the first touch his eyes closed, a mighty groan was wrenched from him, and he lay senseless. The Angel gave Duncan one panic-stricken look. Then she set her lips and gathered her forces again. "I guess that's a good thing," she said. "Maybe he won't feel how we are hurting him.

Soon all available conveyances were exhausted, and the bodies of the wounded had to be carried over the rough ground in the arms of their comrades a very painful process, which extorted many a groan from the suffering men. At length the withdrawal was completed, and the brigade returned to camp. The presence of the cavalry, who covered the rear, deterred the enemy from leaving the hills.

That fixed gaze into heaven, that groan which neither the glories seen above nor the conscious power to heal could stifle, that most gentle touch, as if removing material obstacles from the deaf ears, and moistening the stiff tongue that it might move more freely in the parched mouth, that word of authority which could not be wanting even when His working seemed likest a servant's, do surely carry large lessons for us.

When I was nearer her, I would see her peer across and upward toward Pera, as if that were a remembered land-mark, and would note the perpetual aspen oscillations of the long coral drops in her ears, and the nimble ply of her limbs, wondering with a groan if Pera was our goal. Our goal was even beyond Pera.

"Oh," he exclaimed, with something approaching a groan, "I don’t mean to bebut I do care so much! And sometimes—" he caught her quickly in his arms, drew her within their strong embrace, and kissed her passionately upon the lips that had been tantalizing him for five interminable months. He was almost frightened the next second by her stillness. "Don’t be angry," he pleaded.