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He saw all around him the eager faces of men, and horses that seemed just as eager. Dust and dirt flew beneath the thudding hoofs, and the dust and floating smoke together made a grimy cloud through which they galloped. They passed around still further on the flank.

The foundation of the power house was ready for the machinery and the Pelton water-wheel had been installed. It had taken time and money and grimy sweat. Was it all in vain? Asking himself the question for which ten minutes at most would find the answer Bruce sprang upon the tilting raft and nodded "Shove off."

Holmes was lost in thought, and once or twice he walked over to the window and stared earnestly out. It opened on to a squalid courtyard. In the far corner was a smithy, where a grimy lad was at work. On the other side were the stables. Holmes had sat down again after one of these excursions, when he suddenly sprang out of his chair with a loud exclamation.

With rough kindliness Brady stretched out a grimy hand and steadied her. "'Ere, don't' take on, miss. They won't get very far. I didn't, so to speak, fill the petrol tank" with a grin "and there ain't more than two o' they cans I slipped aboard the car as 'olds more'n air. The rest was empties" the grin widened enjoyably "which I shoved in well to the back. Mr.

"Oh, my dear child! what have you been doing?" cried his mother. "Oh, just makin' pies," answered Freddie, rubbing one cheek with a grimy hand. "I made the pies and Flossie put 'em in the oven to bake. We made an oven out of some bricks. But we didn't really eat the pies," he added, "'cause they were only mud." "You look as though you had tried to eat them," laughed Nan.

It was all so supremely simple. There were no waving flags, no cheering comrades. He was only one of two men in the desert, dirty, grimy, and sweaty; his mouth dry and parched, his eyes stinging from powder-fumes, his hands numb from the effects of rapid firing. His mind worked automatically; he seemed to be only an onlooker.

He looked at me, at John Paul, who was standing by in bewilderment, and then about the grimy, cobwebbed walls of the dark garret, and then turned his back to hide his emotion, and so met the bailiff, who was coming in. "For how much are these gentlemen in your books?" he demanded hotly. "A small matter, your Lordship, a mere trifle," said the man, bowing. "How much, I say?"

We were kept waiting a few minutes in an outer gate-house, and then ushered to the door of a rude, half-fortified whitewashed house. A small table and three chairs were placed in a large outer corridor, and an old dirty-faced man with grey hair and a grimy beard, dressed in a speckled blue cotton jacket and loose red trousers, came forward, shook hands, and asked me to be coated.

Umpire?" piped Stacy, releasing one hand from the pony's neck and raising it questioningly. "This isn't a baseball game, young fellow," jeered the foreman. "This is a hoss race and you've won it. The black wins and you get the rifle." The grimy hand that the lad had held aloft still clung to the remnants of the roast sandwich that he had carried throughout race.

Then, with many variations and several intermediate types, there are the two main distinctive kinds of inland vessels: the long, low, grimy, cargo-carrying whale-back, tankship, barge, or other useful form of ugliness, simply meant to nose her way through quite safe waters with the utmost bulk her huge stuffed maw will hold; and, at the opposite end of the scale, the high, white, gaily decorated 'palace' steamer, with tier upon tier of decks, and a strong suggestion of the theatre all through.