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That the curls were made of Mrs. Smith's own hair, cropped from her head many years before, there could be no doubt. It Nature had erred in turning her actual hair to iron-gray in these, her later years, that was Nature's fault, not Mrs. Smith's! She grimly ignored the parti-colored hair as she did the natural exuberance of her grandson's spirit.

"So you have noticed it, have you?" responded Milsom, rather grimly. "Well, you have guessed rightly, Jack; there is something very seriously wrong, though not in the directions which you have suggested.

To beat these back required all our best efforts. It was all we could think of. We hadn't time to think of anything else. It was a full job." "You bet it was," commented the old man grimly. "Well, it's done. There will be attempts to go back to the old state of affairs, but they will grow feebler from year to year. Things will never slide back again. The people are awake."

He felt certain that he should be able to make his own terms, both with Kapchack and Choo Hoo. Thus soaring up he saw his messenger, the young hawk, swiftly speeding to the ambush, and smiled grimly as he noted the eager haste with which the youthful warrior went to fulfil his orders. Still soaring, with outstretched wings, he sought the upper sky.

"If th' Priest Captain's outfit's on top," Young said, grimly, "I guess we've about got t' th' end of a division; an' there's not much chance of our changin' engines an' keepin' on with th' run." To which figurative suggestion Rayburn gave an immediate grunt of assent.

He's done me lots of favors and he's kept me from making a fool of myself a number of times, even if he did double-cross me once. And he admires me. He certainly does!" She laughed with girlish naïveté and the others joined her. "Then you must like me too!" said Peter. "You are a nice old gentleman," retorted Judith. Peter's lips closed grimly. The preacher spoke with sudden vehemence.

Lotless, a "Little Son," as his house surgeon. Monty grimly bore the pain and suffering and submitted to the operation which alone could save his life. Then came the struggle, then the promise of victory and then the quiet days of convalescence.

He came thoughtfully back, a little later. "Captain," he asked, "what shall you say if I tell you that I have proof that Craig is on board?" The Captain glanced at Laura and restrained himself. "I should probably say a great many things which I should regret afterwards," he replied grimly. "Sit down and we'll tell you what has happened in my room," Quest continued.

"He's one of the real kind sometimes smooth, but always bound to fatten on the money that belongs to other men." "Jim can leave town, I reckon," grimly declared another old settler. "We have savings banks these days, and we don't need gamblers to carry our money for us." "Speech, Reade! Speech!" insisted Mr. Beasley good-humoredly.

The only creatures in all God's world possessing the right to utter aloud a single syllable are the loon, far away, and the winter wren, near at hand. Even the trout fight grimly, without noise, their white bodies flashing far down in the dimness. Hour after hour we stole here and there like conspirators.