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Yes, give her to sister, and tell her that's the way to serve sour females! I declare, Ursula, she has got something of your expression. 'Oh Wynnie, Wynnie! said Nuttie, as he trotted up to her, 'is sister cross and ugly? and she opened her arms to him. 'Sister, Wyn's own sister, said the child affectionately, letting himself be kissed as he saw her grieved.

You must surely have observed how ill he is looking." "I am so grieved to hear you say so. Of course any change must be far more evident to those who have known him all his life. But I should have said that I had rarely or never seen so remarkably young-looking a man for his years. The Marchese happened to tell me once that he is fifty or not far from it.

I had an aunt, a dear and good one. She was one whom single blessedness had soured to the world. She often used to say, that I was the only thing in it which she loved; and, when she thought I was quitting it, she grieved over me with mother's tears. A partiality quite so exclusive my reason cannot altogether approve. She was from morning till night poring over good books, and devotional exercises. Her favourite volumes were Thomas

You remember how we grieved when our dear mother was taken from us, and then it was very sad to leave the old castle, and then, too, we have sorrowed on account of our father, that his property has suffered so much; and though we have been very lovingly dealt with by God, yet He has not allowed life to be so delightful to us that we should be willing to remain here for ever."

The knowledge of such things grieved him exceedingly. He now resolved to have recourse to a measure which was as striking as it was unexpected. In the trying days of the Crusaders, and moved by their zeal for the safety of Christendom, the Popes of an earlier time had addressed, as the ministers of God, immense public assemblages.

He hurried into the drawing-room, and was heard declaring that all was right, for Margaret was on the sofa; but he stopped short, grieved at her altered looks. She smiled as he stooped to kiss her, and then made him stand erect, and measure himself against Norman, whose height he had almost reached.

"Do you know you have no power to fire upon the people except by order of a magistrate?" "I was obliged to fire to save the sentry." "That's a lie," shouted the crowd. The surging multitude compelled the lieutenant-governor to enter the Town House. A few moments later he appeared upon the balcony overlooking King Street. "I am greatly grieved," he said, "at what has happened.

We are grieved at the earthly instincts of the German A superb view, but no restaurant Continental opinion of the Englishman That he does not know enough to come in out of the rain There comes a weary traveller with a brick The hurting of the dog An undesirable family residence A fruitful region A merry old soul comes up the hill George, alarmed at the lateness of the hour, hastens down the other side Harris follows him, to show him the way I hate being alone, and follow Harris Pronunciation specially designed for use of foreigners.

We said, Get ye all down from hence; hereafter shall there come unto you a direction from me, and whoever shall follow my direction, on them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved; but they who shall be unbelievers, and accuse our signs of falsehood, they shall be the companions of hell fire, therein shall they remain forever.

You and I both grieved to see how the State would suffer from the loss of either army and its generals; we knew that victory in a civil war was itself a most miserable disaster. I dreaded the success of those to whom I had attached myself. They threatened most cruelly those who had stayed quietly at home. Your sentiments and my speeches were alike hateful to them.