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His associates were Homer Bartlett, Charles Francis Adams, George S. Boutwell, Stephen C. Phillips, George Bliss, H. L. Dawes, John Brooks, Charles Allen, Moses Kimball, R. H. Dana, Jr., Marcus Morton, Jr., William H. Wood, W. S. Breckinridge, James H. Mitchell, George Grennell, D. W. Alvord, Increase Sumner, William Clark, Charles W. Slack, Thomas D. Elliot, Samuel Bowles, William Brigham, Ivers Phillips, George Cogswell of Bradford, John H. Shaw.

You can catch up with the girls if you hurry," and Tommy, who had eyed the pair with curiosity, departed crestfallen. "I received this letter this morning," explained Dr. Grennell, as they sat down in the stuffy little room. "Read it. It's from an old friend of mine in Newfoundland a physician."

"No, no," whispered Judy, as she came on the stage dressed as a fishermaid, and dragging a great net behind her. "No, no. Dr. Grennell is going to read 'Break, break, break. I sha'n't need any change of scene. Just leave the big picture, and put this net and the shells around, and smooth out that sand to look like the beach."

"It was my chain with the pearl in it," said Judy, "the one you gave mother." "Yes, and the rascals knew that the pearl was worth more than their whole outfit." Launcelot picked up his hat. "I'm going to get it for you," he said, "they can't play any tricks like that." "I'll go with you," said Dr. Grennell, "you may need an older man to help you. I think we can catch them with good horses."

"He has been with me ever since he left here," said the Captain. "Dr. Grennell discovered me in a hospital in Newfoundland, and I was very ill, and he sent for father, and he has been with me ever since. And he has gone straight to Fairfax, for he isn't very well. But I had to see my girl. Did I wake you?" "I heard the dog." "Terry?

She fixed her eyes on the minister and straightway forgot Anne and the Judge and Fairfax, for the minister was reading the 107th Psalm, and the words that fell on Judy's ears were pregnant with meaning to this daughter of a sailor "They that go down to the sea in ships " Dr. Grennell was a plain man, a man of rugged exterior but he was a man of spiritual power and he knew his subject.

Launcelot made me." "I should say I did," said a voice from the doorway, and Launcelot came in with Dr. Grennell. "I was sure he knew something about it." Judy greeted them from the big rocking chair where she sat big-eyed and weary, but a most interesting spectacle.

I think she was mad at him about something, but she said he would kill her if he knew she told. So I just went on about the Judge and how he intended to put the police on the case if we didn't bring back the chain, and that he would be willing to hush it up if we got it, and so he handed it out said it had been found on the ground after you left." "Where is Dr. Grennell?" asked Judy.

You see my life abroad was so different, and I feel as if I ought to be doing something worth while." "Just now the thing that is worth while is for you to be a good son and stay here," said Dr. Grennell. "You can be nothing greater than that. And you are doing it like a hero," and his hand dropped affectionately on the boy's shoulder.

Grennell looked at each other. "Did you give them anything, Judy?" asked the Judge. "Nothing but twenty-five cents. They were horrid, and the old woman wanted me to give my chain and Spanish coin. She knew an awful lot and I was crazy to hear the rest of my fortune, but I couldn't give away my coin." "What coin, Judy?" asked Tommy, curiously.