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A girl not much bigger than Inez, nor dressed much better, came out of the basement door of Mother Beasley's, wiping her lips on the back of her hand. "Hullo, Ine!" she said to the flower-seller. "Who you got in tow? Some more greenies." "Never you mind, Polly," returned Inez. "They're just friends of mine on their way to Washington Park." "Yes they be!" drawled the girl called Polly.

He choked it down, however, and merely telling me to take the wheel, turned forrard roaring frantically for his watch. I had no time to chuckle over what I knew was in store for him, getting those poor greenies collected from their several holes and corners, for on taking the wheel I found a machine under my hands such as I never even heard of before.

"We don't care whether they like it or not. They know their jobs and they don't have to get shocked if they keep working. So it's strictly up to them. Don't go getting any soft notions about these lousy Greenies. They're only dumb brutes fit for working so work 'em!" "I'll work 'em," Hanlon said. Yes, Hanlon would work the natives, but without cruelty.

'Now, the first time I heard a rebel bullet whistle, and his face took on a look as if he was trying to recollect something years ago." "Yes," laughed Shorty, "and you should hear little Pete Skidmore and Sandy Baker lecturing them greenies as to the need o' lookin' carefully to their rear and beware o' rebels sneakin' 'round and attackin' their trains. Hold on. Look through this brush.

So I figured the Greenies would need fertilizer to make up for the depleted soil in their huts. It seemed simple to me." "Ummm. You were right, apparently. It was a great contribution to our work, and we are grateful." He looked at Hanlon a long moment, then asked sharply, "How did Rellos die?" "A dog tore out his throat." "We know that but you said you killed him."

"Last fall we came down to the train to meet her crowd. We knew they were greenies from a little one-horse town called Sanford. They were to be at the same campus house as we. A few of us thought we would try to help them. We took my friend, Miss Weyman's, car and went to the station. Missed 'em by about two minutes. They hired a taxi.

But he'll be skeerce enough when we get to Paducah. Now, see how quick he'll catch the greenies, won't you?" The prospect was so charming as almost to stimulate the mud-clerk to speak with some animation.

The one had grown much longer, the other much broader since the last meeting, but the greeting was that of two warm-hearted people glad to see each other once more. "An' how's yer father an' yer mother an' how is all the fambily? Law, do ye mind the Cherry Lung-balm we uster make? My, but we wuz greenies then! Ye mind, I uster tell ye about Granny? Well, here she is. Granny, this is Yan.

They were full-fledged sophomores, and they could not help looking down with amused tolerance on the "greenies" who were timidly coming to the school for the first time. It was "great," as Jennie confessed, to be able to tell "those children" where to go, and what to do, and to order them about, as was the soph. privilege.

"I want you girlies to know," said the captain, cheerfully, "that we've got two perfect little bricks in this class of greenies at Pinewood Hall. And one of 'em's named Jennie Bruce and the other's named Nancy Nelson. "I prophesy, too," pursued the beauty of the school, "that Jennie and Nancy are going to be the most notorious female Damon-and-Pythias combination we have ever had at Pinewood.