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Recent important events have made me a persona grata at the Vatican, and now the first of the conditions which I feel justified in imposing on you is that you acquiesce in the arrangements which, with all a father's forethought, I have made for your comfort during your sojourn in Rome.

He couldn't post an item into a ledger; he couldn't even tie up a pound of tea. He can't work off any of his foreign smartness on me!" Truesdale, readily figured himself the reverse of persona grata to the Beldens, and stayed away; but this did not prevent his reception of advices more or less regular from the heart of the Belden household.

Dantes, et concedentes eidem Hieronimo Bowes Militi oratori nostro tenore praesentium, authoritatem, et mandatum, tam generale, quam speciate, ita quod specialitas non deroget generalitati, nec e contra generalitas specialitati, nomine nostro, et pro nobis, cum praefato serenissimo principe, eiusque consiliarijs, et deputatis quibuscunque de praefatis negotijs et eorum singulis, tractandi, conferendi, concludendi appunctuandique, prout praefato Oratori nostro aequum, et ex honore nostro videbitur: Nec non de, et super huiusmodi tractatis, conclusis, appunctuatisque, caeterisque omnibus et singulis, praemissa quouismodo concernentibus, literas, et instrumenta valida et efficacia, nomine nostro, et pro nobis tradendi, literasque et instrumenta consimilis vigoris et effectus, ex altera parte petendi, et confici, et sigillari debite procurandi, et recipiendi, et generaliter omnia, et singula praemissa qualitercunque concernentia, faciendi, exercendi, et expediendi, in, et eodem modo, sicut nos ipsi faceremus, et facere possemus, si essemus praesentes, etiamsi talia sint, quae de se mandatum exigant magis speciale; promittentes bona fide, et in verbo Regio, omnia et singula, quae per praedictum Ambassiatorem, et oratorem nostrum appunctuata, promissa. conuenta, concordata, et conclusa fuerint in hac parte, nos rata et grata, et firma habituras et obseruaturas, et superinde literas nostras patentes confirmatorias, et approbatortias in forma valida, et autentica, prout opus fuerit, daturas.

"If she was at the Rigi Kulm, it's Anna." "Well, I had the pleasure of meeting her there, but I am afraid I was somewhat of a persona non grata with her," I said, in a partial attempt to make a joke of it He dropped his glance, leveled it at me once more, and dropped it again "Why, what was the matter?" he inquired, in great embarrassment "Nothing was the matter.

The Peach in Brandy. A Milesian Tale. Fitz Scanlan Mac Giolla l'ha druig, king of Kilkenny, the thousand and fifty-seventh descendant in a direct line from Milesius king of Spain, had an only daughter called Great A, and by corruption Grata; who being arrived at years of discretion, and perfectly initiated by her royal parents in the arts of government, the fond monarch determined to resign his crown to her: having accordingly assembled the senate, he declared his resolution to them, and having delivered his sceptre into the princess's hand, he obliged her to ascend the throne; and to set the example, was the first to kiss her hand, and vow eternal obedience to her.

He and Miss Barbara are the only persons allowed to touch the cloths. I think she'd let me uncover the thing, but, as you and I know so well, I am not tall enough." "My business with my daughter," said Dr. Ferris, "concerned you." Blizzard chuckled. "Her friends," said he, "have been at you to interfere. They have persuaded you that her model should be persona non grata in the best studios.

The good dancer may be an officer of high social standing, but the dancing-teacher, even though he be famous as such, is persona non grata, so far as society is concerned. I have alluded to the craze for joking among young ladies in society. At a dinner a reigning beauty, and daughter of , who sat next to me, talked with me on dancing.

As though her mother's career really affected her!" Nevertheless, in the world of the dull rich those who hold their own by might of possession, conformity, owl-eyed sobriety, and ignorance Bevy Fleming had become persona non grata. How did she take all this?

But Joe said, "If that's Colonel Lajos Arpád, I suggest you have him in. I took the liberty of phoning him and asking that he meet us here." Frank Hodgson was the first to recover. "Arpád! That spy! I've just about gathered enough dope on him to have him declared persona non grata and ship him back to Budapest." "As I was shipped back to Greater Washington," Joe said dryly.

Her Majesty said that this gentleman would certainly be persona grata, and I cabled to Washington to this effect. Early in January a message came from the Secretary of State saying that, as all was arranged except the final confirmation of the appointment, I might feel free to leave at my convenience. The voyage through the danger zone was uneventful. The visit to England was unforgettable.