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I boasted grandiloquently.... "Here in this little sequestered dream-cottage of ours you and I will carry out, popularise, through novels, poems, plays, essays, and treatises, the noble work that Ellis, Key, and Rosa Von Mayerreder, and others, are doing in Europe ... and we ourselves will set the example of true love that fears nothing but the conventional legal slavery."

Chaff provoked the solemn retort: "One should be well groomed." He spoke impersonally, considering it bad form to use the first person singular. Amongst the small boys he ranked as the Petronius of the Lower School. One day the Caterpillar said grandiloquently, "You kids will oblige me by not shouting and yelling when you speak to me. I've a bit of a head." "What's wrong with it?" said Fluff.

"There is meat," he said, as he pointed toward the haunches of the bear, half-protruding from the rock, "and there is fire. The fire will cook the meat, and, besides, we are safe. We will eat!" The bridegroom of but a day or two said this somewhat grandiloquently, but he was not disposed to be vain or grandiloquent a little later.

This gate gave on a narrow cul-de-sac grandiloquently named Passage Corneille which was flanked on the opposite side by the tall boundary wall of an adjacent convent. That cul-de-sac was marked out from the very first in my mind as our objective. Around and about it, as it were, did I build the edifice of my schemes, aided by the ever-willing Sarah.

You know I'd like nothing better." "From now on," he announced grandiloquently, "you are no niece of mine. "O-o-o-oh!" The cry was wrung from Ardita with the agony of a lost soul. "Will you stop boring me! Will you go 'way! Will you jump overboard and drown! Do you want me to throw this book at you!" "If you dare do any " Smack!

He rose and slapped his chest grandiloquently. "Chance, ole pal," he said with a brave gesture, "you're mine! Got the dockyments to show. What do you think?" Chance, with mouth open and lolling tongue, seemed to be laughing. Sundown reached out his long arm as one who greets a friend. The dog extended his muscular fore leg and solemnly placed his paw in Sundown's hand.

I complimented him on his hitherto tactful treatment of me, and grandiloquently yet sincerely thanked him for his many courtesies. I also expressed entire satisfaction with the past conduct of the attendants. In fact, on part of the institution I put the stamp of my approval.

He had carried his many and perspiring pounds over to Third Avenue because Miss Proudfoot reflected, "I've got a regular sweet tooth to-night." He stood before Istra and Mr. Wrenn theatrically holding out a bag of chocolate drops in one hand and peanut brittle in the other; and grandiloquently: "Which shall it be, your Highness?

I said, grandiloquently enough, that no victory was worth winning unless there were difficulties. At which she smiled and remarked, laughing "There are no roses without thorns." She asked me how long the war would last. I replied that the good God alone knew. She shook her head "How can the good God look down without a tear on the miseries of his people?

Man is thus placed on the horns of a dilemma from which it will take the greatest wisdom and the finest humanity to extricate him. But I cannot lay claim to any part of the knowledge and ability necessary to formulate the plan. Let us at least be candid; let us not say grandiloquently that the sexual urge can be indefinitely repressed without harm to the average individual.