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My principle is, if a man smites me on the right cheek I'll turn my left to him, prob'ly; but if he insinooates that my gran'mother wasn't all right, I'll punch his hed.

My gran'mother Chirgwin, when she was very auld, seed 'em a threshin' corn in a barn up Drift. They was tiny fellers wi' beards an' red faaces, an' they handled the flails cruel clever.

Purr, who had entered and was dropping curtseys to the majesty of the law, as represented by Hurd, thought an undue advantage was being taken of her position. She wished to talk herself, and interrupted Paul, in a shrill voice. "Granny Clump, she is," said Mrs. Purr, folding her hands under her apron. "Tray's gran'mother, as 'is name is Tray Clump, I swear on my Bible oath.

You know he didn't like changes." "Blue spread on the west room bed?" "Yes." "Spinnin'-wheels out in the shed chamber, where his gran'mother Hooper kep' 'em?" "Yes." "Say, 'Melia, do you s'pose that little still's up attic he used to have such a royal good time with, makin' essences?" Amelia's eyes filled suddenly with hot, unmanageable tears. "Yes;" she said; "we used it only two summers ago.

Then, arter a bit, they done the threshin' an' was kickin' the short straw out the grain, which riz a gert dust; an' the piskeys all beginned sneezin'. An' my gran'mother, as was peepin' through the door unbeknown to 'em, forgot you must never speak to a piskey, an' sez, 'God bless 'e, hi men! 'cause that's what us allus sez if a body sneezes.

'Great-gran'mother were livin' alone, and gran'mother, she were married four mile off, and used to come in on market days, and see the old lady. Great-gran'mother, she were rather snappy and short, and one day she says to gran'mother, "Sally, my girl, when you come to want, pull up a yaller marigold by the roots"; and gran'mother, she laughs, and says she, "What old wife talk be that, mother?

You maun gie me yer promise to come afore ye gang back to Halifax. The gran'mother wad be sair hurt at no seein' ye. Whan could ye come, noo?" turning to Dexie. Just then Beatrice Fremont came towards them, and her smile of recognition told Dexie that the farmer was well known to her. "I did not know you were acquainted with my friends, Mr. McDonald," and she extended her hand.

In the stone circle you comed; an' by night arterwards, sweatin' for terror, your gran'mother, as had heard tell of it, sneaked from Newtake to kiss me an' press you to her body. Faither never knawed till long arter; an' though mother used to say she heard un forgive me on his death-bed, 'twas her awn pious wish echoing in her awn ears I reckon. But that's all awver an' done." Mrs.

Doc turned his head sidewise and looked at Trask, and then looked out into the main cabin, as if to make sure no one was listening before he went on. "A lion an' a lamb," he said, in a scared whisper. "And Peth's the lion?" "Yassir, you got it. Peth, he'd fight with his own gran'mother, that man. Argue en argue en argue.

Land, Rose, don't button that dickey clean through my epperdummis! I have to sport starched collars in this life on account o' you and your gran'mother bein' so chock full o' style; but I hope to the Lord I shan't have to wear 'em in another world!" "You won't," his wife responded with the snap of a dish towel, "or if you do, they'll wilt with the heat."