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Well, Uncle Wiggily started to jump back away from the door of the little house, but it was too late. Out came a scraggily-raggily claw, which grabbed him, while a voice cried out: "Ah, ha! Now I have you! Come right in!"

He snatched the whip, slipped from his seat to the very front end of the box; and letting the lines lie lax began to lash and yell. The mules bolted free, twitching the wagon over the ruts. Captain Booth sprawled inside; grabbed the lieutenant's one navy revolver, and with his own two tumbled over the seat and dived to the pucker-hole at the rear end, to fight the Indians off.

He grabbed his pillow to hurl it at the intruder, who skipped back. He explained himself. A reporter of the Nation wished to interview M. Krafft about the article which had appeared in the Grand Journal. "What article?" "Haven't you read it?" The reporter began to tell him what it was about. Christophe went to bed again.

Fritz pulled an automatic from under his coat he evidently had not been carefully searched and aimed it at Crane. Crane dove at him and grabbed his wrist, but was too late. The gun went off and tore away Crane's right cheek. He didn't go down, however, and before I could get in without danger to Crane, he polished off the officer on the spot. The prisoners looked almost pleased.

They weren't in the police, but they thought they knew quite as much as the police did; and, besides, the reward, 5000 Pounds, if they got our lot and any one of the others, was no foolish money. Well, nothing would knock it out of these chaps' heads but that we were safe to be grabbed in the long run trying to make into the old home.

As his mother drank the melted dog with her pills, he hated her even more for dashing his innocence to pieces. He grabbed the glass out of her hands, disgorged the contents into her face, raised her in his arms, and razed her onto the billiard table. There he began to undress her. "No," she said weakly but no utterance would have stopped it. He took down his pants.

Hal stood aside while Chester grabbed the lowest branch and swung himself up, and then he followed suit. High up in the tree the lads climbed, the close set branches affording an excellent screen. Half a minute later six motorcycle riders hove into sight, hardly a hundred yards from where the boys were perched.

He drew the bridles at a sharp, taut slant that must have cut their mouths fearfully at the tenderest part, for they fairly screamed with pain and terror. He succeeded in facing them sideways, ran their heads into some brush, vaulted over them, and, landing safely on his feet in front of them, grabbed them near the bits and held them snorting and trembling at a standstill.

Hand him this," and he grabbed a half-empty bottle from the table. I sprang forward and caught it before Marie got her fingers around it. "Not if I know it!" I cried. "We've got to get back to Dives. When he lands me inside my garden at the inn he shall have a magnum, but not a drop till he does." When the two had gone the Sculptor and I leaned back in our chairs and lighted fresh cigars.

"Sure yes," answered Joe. "It's an even deal. You grabbed me just in time or I'd have been in that pipe, too." The diver nodded. "It was a close call," he said. Arrangements were being made to take the diver to the local hospital. He was not seriously hurt, only he had been under a strain and needed rest and quiet. The physician looked Joe over.