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Several miles along Saxon complained of thirst. Where the road dipped nearly at sea level to cross a small gulch Billy looked for water. The bed of the gulch was damp with hill-drip, and he left her to rest while he sought a spring. "Say," he hailed a few minutes afterward. "Come on down. You just gotta see this. It'll 'most take your breath away."

Aunt Hannah had planned the trip with remarkable accuracy, for at about three o'clock the lumbering stage stopped at a pretty chalet half hidden among the tall pines and overlooking a steep bluff. Here the baggage and boxes were speedily unloaded. "I gotta git back ter meet the aft'noon train," said Bill Coombs, their driver.

It'd gotta be a costume picture, and you got shoost as much show to market vun o' dem today as you got vit a pauper's funeral. I spend all dat money, and no show to git it back, and den you actors tink I'm makin' ten million a veek off you " "Cut it out, Abey!" broke in Mary. "Mr. Carpenter hasn't asked anything of you." "Oh, he ain't, hey? So dat's his game.

The case stands like this: You must choose whether to get rid of that dog or to lose me. Take your choice. If " "I read in a story book about a feller that had a thing like that put up to him," said poor Link, unable to believe she was in earnest. "His girl said: 'You gotta choose between me and tobacco. And he said: 'I'll choose tobacco.

A sweet old veteran of the Civil War said to one of my comrades: "Yous all right; you gotta fight for your rights in this world, and now that we are about to plunge into another war, I want to tell you women there'll be no end to it unless you women get power. We can't save ourselves and we need you . . . . I am 84 years old, and I have watched this fight since I was a young man.

Ken Douglass ain't no yeahlin' no moah, honey; he ain't no child to be tooken' an' raised like we did Buffo; he's a strong man an' wants strong meat with salt an' peppeh on it. An' long's he's not robbin' yuah lahdeh what yuh gotta kick about?" But she turned her head away as the girl said bitterly: "And you, too?

I've kept my hands off you and my lips off you and my mind off you, because I thought you were too fine and good for anything but my ideal. And all this while you've been sneaking up here to Dickie and Jim and Lord knows who else besides. Now, I am agoin' to kiss you and then you gotta get out of Millings. Do you hear? After I've kissed you, you ain't good enough for my purpose not for mine."

Cap'n, he et hearty o' pie lately. Stew'd he say, 'Cap'n ain't had but one piece and Mistah Thomas, he ain't had but one piece, and Mistah Hamlin, he ain't had any. Dah's gotta be pie. You done et dat pie yo'se'f, says he. 'Oh, no, says Ah. 'Ah never et no pie. You fo'get 'bout dat pie you give Cap'n foh breakfas'. Den stew'd he done crawl out. He don' know Ah make two pies yestidday.

"What are you, then, you little white-faced, big-eyed devil?" "Charley, I I got something to to tell you. "Bring me a lamb stew and a beer, light. What'll you have, little white-face?" "Some milk and " "She means with suds on, waiter." "No no; milk, I said milk over toast. Milk toast I gotta eat it. Why don't you lemme talk, Charley? I gotta tell you." He was suddenly sober. "What's hurting you?

The shaggy mustang did not appear to be favorably impressed by this speech. It was a mighty distrustful look he bent upon the speaker. "Jim, seein' as how this here job's aboot the last Miss Collie will ever boss us on, we gotta do it without Whang turnin' a hair," drawled the other cowboy. "Lem, why is this the last job I'll ever boss you boys?" demanded Columbine, quickly.