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My words seemed unfortunately chosen. Mr. Kauffer turned an honest angry red. 'Do I not know Mr. Armour well enough und better! he exclaimed. 'What this man wass doing when I in Paris find him oudt? Shtarving, mein Gott! I see his work. I see he paint a very goot horse, very goot animal subject. I bring him oudt on contract, five hundred rupees the monnth to paint for me, for my firm.

We all roared at this; and the end of the dispute was, that, just to satisfy the fellow, I agreed to play his Excellency at slate-tables, or any tables he chose. "Gut," says he, "gut; I lif, you know, at Abednego's, in de Quadrant; his dabels is goot; ve vill blay dere, if you vill."

"My goot woman, you must go to somepody else, I can't give away my monish." "You have got a plenty," she persisted, "you are rich. Oh, aid me! If you believe there is a God above, who rewards the charitable, aid me, and receive the heartfelt blessings of a mother. Twenty dollars will be enough to satisfy my present wants, and that sum will make but little difference to a man of your wealth."

"Goot effning, Herr Socrates," he said, with a stiff bow. "Bon jour!" exclaimed Mr. Socrat. "Only, if it pleases you my dear Professor Garlick, my name ees wizout ze final syllable." "Und mine it iss Garla-a-ach, und not like de leek vat you eat!" exclaimed the German. "They're off!" said Jack in a whisper to Sam. "Your pardon!" came from Mr. Socrat. "I am in error.

"Oh, dey vas by der house und eat supper den." "Did you see the prisoner again that day?" "No, I didn' see heem dot day no more, bot dot next day I seen heem goot I seen heem." Harry King here asked his counsel to object to his allowing the witness to continually assert that the man he saw was the prisoner. "He does not know that it was I. He is mistaken as are you all."

At this point MacSweenie broke in with, "Yes, my friends, an' there iss a goot many more people here besides Cheenbuk that wants to be made happy.

"I am sorry to be troublesome, Mynheer Van Dunck, but I can not say good-by without having your receipt in full for the old bilander." "Goot, it is vere good, Meester Lyth; you are te goot man for te pisness."

Smoke 'em in Colorado, smell 'em in Europe! I managed to drop it on the floor in a few minutes so that I could switch onto one of mine. I pulled out a pair of two-bit-straights and passed one over, lighting the other for myself. "'Dot vas a goot seecar, said the old man. 'You are on der roat? "'Yes, said I. "'Vat's your bees'ness? "'I'm selling clothing. "'Vat?

And if you wish to confess, throw it all upon me, say that you were obliged to pay me. Come! I have a broad back " "I cannot tispose of dings dot are not mine," the good German answered simply. "Very well. I will summons you, you and M. Pons." "It vould kill him " "Take your choice! Dear me, sell the pictures and tell him about it afterwards . . . you can show him the summons " "Ver' goot.

"No, he don' say not'ing, only yust he say, 'dot's all right bouts heem, he say, 'Peter Junior goot man all right, only he goin' vay all same." "Was that the last time you saw the prisoner?" "No, I seen heem dot day und it vas efening." "Where were you when you saw him next?"