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But I had nerved myself for the ordeal, and we drove away amid the jeers and laughter of the street crowd. In an hour we returned. Indiman was placidly smoking and working on his solitaire. "You were successful, senor?" "No, but I have hopes." "Ah! Well, good-day, gentlemen. Come again." "Of course there was nothing," said Indiman to me as we drove home. "I even went through every bandbox."

"One can forgive those lads who are fighting out there almost anything. I've got a boy in France myself!" A little sigh escaped him, and then Mr. Marigold remembered "The Yard." "I'll bid you good-day!" he added in his most official voice and took his leave. He walked down the steps by the Duke of York's column and through the Horse Guards into Whitehall, seemingly busy with his own thoughts.

I shall take rooms in Albemarle Street or Jermyn Street, and just be content to be a man-about-town. I have saved some twenty thousand pounds a mere trifle, but sufficient for my needs, and I shall now proceed to enjoy it. Pardon me for troubling you with my personal affairs. And good-day again.

Remember to live in the day. Avoid stirring about in the night, as you would avoid Satan. Sleep, sleep then, and you'll make that beauty of yours last longer." "Am I a beauty? No living creature ever said so before." "Adipose beauty." "Fat?" "No; not that exactly. Good-day."

This is just a good-day and good-bye." As she spoke she turned, and as she turned Lennox' heart smote him. He hurried to her. "See here! You can't go like this. Have a cup of tea." Cassy gave him the rare seduction of her smile. "Thank you. I am out on business and I never drink in business hours." But now Lennox had got himself between her and the vestibule. "Business!" he repeated. "What is it?

After about fifteen minutes the door opened, and Cosmo Ruggiero, my mother's counsellor, the bottomless pit which holds the secrets of the court, he from whom all women ask help against their husbands and lovers, and all the men ask help against their unfaithful wives and mistresses, he who traffics on the future as on the past, receiving pay with both hands, who sells horoscopes and is supposed to know all things, that semi-devil came in, saying to the old man, 'Good-day to you, brother. With him he brought a hideous old woman, toothless, humpbacked, twisted, bent, like a Chinese image, only worse.

But 'Bias's face reflected none of the mirth he had awakened. "I mayn't know much about ploughin', Cai Hocken " he began. "Ah? Good day, Captain Hunken!" interposed Mrs Bosenna. "Good-day to you, ma'am." He raised his hat without answering her smile.

"Give you good-day, gentlemen," I cried. "Is it your captain that you bury or one of your crew, or is it only pezos and pieces of eight?" "Put up, gentlemen, put up! Cannot one rover attend the funeral of another without all this crowding and display of cutlery? If you will take the trouble to look around you, you will see that I have brought to the obsequies only myself."

"I don't know what business it is of yours what I am doing. If you want to know what I am here for, I'll tell you. I am thinking how I can cheat the Conservancy men to-night. I wish you good-day." The tall man was not by any means surprised by the uncourteous answer. He was used to the homely insolence of the fishermen. So he said

The pair didn't see me as I passed in, but a Chinese servant gave "Good-day" to the yellow man we'd picked up coming down; and, at that, Miss Ruth for so I call her, not being able to get Mme.