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Good-bye for a little while; only for a little while, my own, my own!" Then she died. And for a time I too seemed to die, but could not. I buried her and the child here at Fulcombe; or rather I buried their ashes since I could not endure that her beloved body should see corruption.

"But M. Pons never liked me, he always hated me. Besides, he thinks perhaps that I want to be mentioned in his will " "Hush! you vill kill him!" cried Schmucke. "Good-bye, sir," said La Cibot, with a withering look at Pons. "You may keep well for all the harm I wish you. When you can speak to me pleasantly, when you can believe that what I do is done for the best, I will come back again.

Maybe you'll be glad. I don't know. If we fail well, I can't just figure on failure. I never have and I don't reckon to start that way now. But I got to hand you 'good-bye' this time. It's not that way with us usually. But this time I sort of feel I want to.

He also sent a special writer and an artist to New Bethel to get a story for the Sunday edition. Other editors saw the value of that "Good-bye, Man" idea and they also sent reporters to the scene. They came; they saw; they interviewed; and almost before Mary knew what was happening, New Bethel and Spencer & Son were on their way to fame.

He was just saying good-bye to Janet, when Marcella entered the room. She stood still, and Christian said, hurriedly: 'It's possible, Marcella, that Mr. Peak will be coming to London before long. We may have the pleasure of seeing him there. 'You will be glad, I'm sure, answered his sister.

He had been here, and I had missed him! Everything was flat after that. I took my leave early, feeling as though all my merriment had suddenly dried up. How would he have met me? I wondered. Would Max have noticed anything different? 'How long will this state of things go on? I thought, as I bade Max good-bye in the porch.

"The one under fire and the other here," tapping his head and meaning that the memories of battles made the other life. The cider was ready now, and the Bobbseys prepared to leave. "I'll tell father about Bill," said Harry. "I'm sure he will save him for you." "All right, sonny thank you, thank you! Good-bye, lads; come again, and maybe some day I'll give you the war cup!" called the soldier.

He found his sword and revolver and replaced them in his belt. "You men stay here on the island and take care of Miss Harding," he said. "If I don't come back the marines will find you sooner or later, or you can make your way to the coast, and work around toward the cove. Good-bye, Miss Harding." "Where are you going?" cried the girl. "To get your father and Mr. Mallory," said the mucker.

All at once, Therese heard a clock in the neighbourhood strike ten. She felt as if she would have liked to have been deaf. Nevertheless, she looked for her hat which she fastened to her hair with a long pin, and then seating herself, slowly murmured: "I must go." Laurent fell on his knees before her, and took her hands. "Good-bye, till we see each other again," said she, without moving.

The latter looked at him solemnly, his keen gray eyes contemplating the situation from all points of view. "Well, Eugene," he said, "you're shouldering a great responsibility. It's difficult. Think carefully of everything that you do. I'm sorry to see you go. Good-bye."