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Gorgo knew all the lofty ideals which lay at the foundation of the worship of this goddess; but it was not to them that she had turned for help, but to the image in whose mystical strength she trusted. And what had already been done to Isis and her temple might soon be done to Serapis and to his house.

So I turned my glance away; but it was drawn directly towards a picture which hung before me, a face that drove away all recollection of the colossal goddess. The golden hair was parted over a broad brow; from the gentle, dreamy eyes there came a soft, penetrating glance, and a vagueness as of fancy rested over the whole face.

She was different something of finer clay, made to be waited upon and worshipped like the picture of the goddess standing on the moon that he had seen in the judge's study.

Among the various ornamental buildings in the grounds at Ormsby Villa, there was a temple dedicated to this goddess, from which issued a troop of hoyden young ladies, headed by the widow O'Connor and Lady Kilrush, all calling to us to come and look at some charming discovery which they had just made in the temple of Minerva. Thither we proceeded, accompanied by the merry troop.

They are not alike either in dress, posture, or expression. Dupaix describes it correctly in saying it represents a person apparentlyabsorbed in devotion” a worshiper, and not a goddess. Moreover, Astarte usually appears on the medals standing on the forward deck of a vessel, holding a cross with one hand, and pointing forward with the other.

Then the goddess departed in the semblance of a sea-eagle, and all that saw it were amazed. Then the old man took Telemachus by the hand, and said: "No coward or weakling art thou like to be, whom the gods attend even now in thy youth. This is none other than Athene, daughter of Zeus, the same that stood by thy father in the land of Troy." After this the old man led the company to his house.

On the following Sunday George Robinson was again in the park, and after wandering among its rural shades for half a day, he was rewarded by seeing the goddess of his idolatry. Miss Brown was there with a companion, but not with Sarah Jane.

"You my blood, a myself better than myself." "Thou art my heart, my lustre." "You my saint, my only joy." "I yield thee the palm of love, and how great so'er mine be, I believe thou lovest me still more, for thou art the lord." "No; the palm is yours, my goddess, my Virgin Marie." "No; I am thy servant, thine handmaiden, a nothing thou canst crush to atoms."

"That I take it is Nature's device to keep the lovers together in the interest of the more or less unpremeditated offspring." "A poor device, if that is its end. It doesn't keep parents together; more often it tears them apart. The wife or the mistress, so soon as she is encumbered with children, becomes all too manifestly not the companion goddess...."

Other people's temples were to him not so much objects of contempt as of dim, vague astonishment. Such words as righteousness and sacrament and Saviour had no place in his speech. Edith had been the holiest thing he knew. She was both shrine and goddess.