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Whatever the procedure chosen for the operation, preliminary tracheotomy is a prerequisite. It should be made well below the isthmus of the thyroid gland, and from three to fifteen days before the laryngectomy. This affords time for the lungs to become accustomed to the new manner of breathing, and the trachea becomes fixed to the anterior wall of the neck.

He touches the gland, and finds the skin sane and sound, but under the cuticle there lies a small lump like a pistol-bullet, that moves as he pushes it. Oh! but is this for all certainty, is this the sentence of death? Feel the gland of the other arm; there is not the same lump exactly, yet something a little like it: have not some people glands naturally enlarged?—would to Heaven he were one!

Sections of the tube forming the coiled portion of the gland. c. Duct passing to the surface. The other structures of the skin not shown. The sweat glands secrete a thin, colorless fluid, called perspiration, or sweat. This consists chiefly of water, but contains a small per cent of salts and of urea.

There has been some levity over the news of the gland operations, but it should be treated with the greatest respect and admiration. The operation has been a success on me so I am in a position to speak authoritatively. It is one of the greatest things of the century."

It takes ten, twelve or more days from the time the parasites are taken into the stomach of the mosquito before they can go through their transformations and reach the salivary gland, the time depending on the temperature.

One of the methods used to treat the disease is to remove some of the gland surgically. In the early days an operator would occasionally remove too, much gland and then the symptoms, of myxoedema would occur. This necessitated the artificial feeding of thyroid the rest of the patient's life!

By following out the suggestions which you will find in this volume, by stimulating the life-forces in connection with the thyroid gland, by straightening and strengthening the spine, by toning up the alimentary canal, and by adopting other suggestions set forth in these pages, you should be insured the attainment of vital vigor really beyond price. Do not be satisfied with an existence.

The remainder of these digesting materials is carried forwards into the upper intestines, and stimulates them into their peristaltic motion similar to that of the stomach; which continues gradually to mix the changing materials, and pass them along through the valve of the colon to the excretory end of this great gland, the sphincter ani.

But they did not know, and some doubted. The ropes cracked and the hulk's list got sharp. On one side, her deck was very near the water. She was broad, but if Arcturus did not lift, it was obvious she must soon capsize. Lister opened the engine throttle until the valve-wheel would not turn. The cylinders shook, a gland blew steam, and the pump clashed and rocked.

This little gland often becomes greatly enlarged from inflammation or fungous growths old dogs are much more subject to the disease than young ones. 'Treatment'. The application of cooling collyria and a weak solution of nitrate of silver, will generally suppress the further growth of this gland.