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Gummatous disease in glands is extremely rare; the affected gland rapidly enlarges to the size of a walnut, and may then persist for a long period without further change; if it breaks down, the overlying skin is destroyed and the caseated tissue of the gumma exposed.

We thought it only the swelling of a gland at first, and expected it to go away in a little while. But in the last few weeks it has grown perceptibly." "How large is it?" inquired the doctor. "About the size of a pigeon's egg." "Indeed! So large?" "Yes; and I am beginning to feel very much concerned about it." "Is there any discoloration?" "No." "Any soreness or tenderness to the touch?"

Under ordinary circumstances a three- to five-minute interval is sufficient in the case of all steam-pressure, vacuum including mercurial columns and barometer superheat and temperature readings. Gland and Hot-Well Regulation There are two highly important features requiring more or less constant attention throughout a test, namely the gland and hot-well regulation.

The disease, common in childhood, during which this gland becomes inflamed and swollen, is known as the "mumps." The submaxillary gland is placed below and to the inner side of the lower jaw, and the sublingual is on the floor of the mouth, between the tongue and the gums. Each gland opens into the mouth by a little duct. These glands somewhat resemble a bunch of grapes with a tube for a stalk.

There must be some evident condition of ill-health to be set right. But, on the other hand, though I will not advise these people to take the gland operation, there may be something in her idea that the glands will arrest age and hold it back.

The most important of the ductless glands are the thyroid gland, located in the neck; the suprarenal bodies, situated one just over each kidney; and the thymus gland, a temporary gland in the upper part of the chest. They perform in this way a function like that of the ductless glands. The work of glands in preparing substances that enter the blood is known as internal secretion.

"I perfectly see the difficulty, my lord," said Christian, who well knew that if he wished to secure attention from this volatile nobleman, he must first suffer, nay, encourage him, to exhaust the topic, whatever it might be, that had got temporary possession of his pineal gland.

A prerequisite for adequate ante-pituitary function is a normal secretion of the interstitial cells of the reproductive glands. Cowardice is said to be a feature of eunuchs. We have seen that, more than any other gland or tissue of the body, the post-pituitary governs the maternal-sexual instincts and their sublimations, the social and creative instincts.

It is the largest and heaviest gland, or organ, in the body, and weighs about three pounds, a little more than the brain. It buds off from the food tube just below the stomach, so that its waste tube, the bile duct about the size of a goose quill opens into the upper part of the intestine.

Immediate gland transplantation was performed, and three days after said operation he asked me to remove his irons so that he could rest comfortably. He informed me that he was in his right mind and we need have no further fear of him. Soon afterwards he was permitted to roam around the building and over town. He went home more than a year ago and is transacting his business as a sane man should.