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Agatha had a little more common sense than the other two, and she responded "After all, you know, you are better off than if you were still at school; and the M.A. is a good old soul at the bottom, and you may manage her, depend on it. Though I wish she had let me go to Girton." Magdalen and Mrs. Best meantime were going over future prospects and old times. Mrs.

"In a woman's argument," I observed, "equality of the sexes invariably does mean the superiority of woman." "That is very curious," added the Philosopher. "As you say, a woman never can be logical." "Are all men logical?" demanded the Girton Girl. "As a class," replied the Minor Poet, "yes." "What woman suffers from," said the Philosopher, "is over-praise. It has turned her head."

I did not care for the things that they thought a great deal of, and they had no interest in the things I cared for. Somehow I don't think I have got on well with them ever since I went up to Girton. I see now it was entirely my own fault. It does not do for a girl to have tastes differing from those of her family." "I felt that, Mary. I felt it very much.

The curriculum is certainly modest compared with that obligatory on candidates for London University, Girton College, or our senior local examination; but it is an enormous improvement on the old conventual system, and several points are worthy of imitation.

Her present intention was, after Elma had gone through a course of instruction at Middleton School, to send her to Girton, thus enabling her by and by to take a really good position as teacher. All these things Elma knew well. She was an ambitious girl; she earnestly desired to secure a good position for herself in life.

George Eliot was writing an article on Weimar for Fraser, on Cumming for Westminster, and translating Spinoza's Ethics. No name was signed to these productions, as it would not do to have it known that a woman wrote them. The education of most women was so meagre that the articles would have been considered of little value. Happily Girton and Newnham colleges are changing this estimate of the sex.

As a rule, the Girton Girl stands for what has been termed "divine discontent" with things in general. In the course of time she will outlive her surprise at finding the world so much less satisfactory an abode than she had been led to suppose also her present firm conviction that, given a free hand, she could put the whole thing right in a quarter of an hour.

He called her ridiculous names, talked to her in baby language; while a dozen times a day it became necessary for her to take down her back hair and do it up afresh. At the end of a month, as I have said, it was she who suggested a slight cessation of affection." "Had I been in her place," said the Girton Girl, "it would have been a separation I should have suggested.

How would you like to go to Girton and be a B.A. like Miss Allway?" she asked, turning to the child. Phillips's entrance saved the need of a reply. To the evident surprise of his wife he was in evening clothes. "Hulloa. You've got 'em on," she said. He laughed. "I shall have to get used to them sooner or later," he said. Joan felt relieved she hardly knew why that he bore the test.

Abandoning the frivolities of Mayfair, she went to Girton, where she plunged into the study of Sanscrit. After leaving Girton, she applied herself to the study of the occult side of Theosophy.