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These were the object of an enthusiastic admiration. They were generally admitted to be the handsomest in the school, and those girls were thought lucky who could get the best view of them beneath the desk. Moreover, the rumour ran that Mr.

As dowager lady Shih is so fondly attached to her granddaughters, they come, for the most part, over to their grandmother's place to prosecute their studies together, and each one of these girls is, I hear, without a fault." But how is it that the Chia family have likewise fallen into this common practice?" "Not so!" ventured Tzu-h'sing.

"Why certainly, girls, you know you don't have to ask. And you can count on Mrs. Lester giving us a lot of things for very small children. She said the other day that the nursery was full and she wished she knew some children who needed things." "I'll dress four dolls," promised Kit. "In that way I can indulge my passion for dolls and not be laughed at."

One evening, he was sitting near where she was chatting away at a lively rate, in the midst of a gay circle of young girls, and, to his surprise, chagrin, and mortification, heard her ridiculing, as you too often do, the business at which he was serving an apprenticeship. "Marry a tailor!" he heard her say, in a tone of contempt. "I would drown myself first." This was enough.

And ye are three and need a fourth, who should be a man, witty, sensible and discreet, one who can keep counsel. When they heard what he said, it amused them and they laughed at him and replied, 'What have we to do with that, we who are girls and fear to entrust our secrets to those who will not keep them?

I remember the time when I liked a red coat myself very well and, indeed, so I do still at my heart; and if a smart young colonel, with five or six thousand a year, should want one of my girls I shall not say nay to him; and I thought Colonel Forster looked very becoming the other night at Sir William's in his regimentals."

On their way from school one day, when they had on their nice clothes, he covered them from head to foot with dirt and mud. In that sad plight John and Louisa went home crying. Their mother felt as badly as they did, when she saw the ugliness of her neighbor's spoiled child. So constantly was Charles injuring the smaller boys and girls in the school that none of them loved him.

All the while you were doing such wonderful, beautiful things with your pen in New York and being made so much of, I was thinking, 'What an inspiration Jerrold Fullerton would be as a real friend. But all the girls were " He laughed. "They won't trouble you, now." "But your friendship is worth more now than then." He shook his head. "It is because you are more than you were then."

He was still her darling, the one son she had left, the last of the Lancasters. But, as the years went on, she grew to be less of the shrinking Southern lady, more the boarding-house keeper. If she wrote no bills, she kept them pretty straight in her head, and only her endless courage and industry kept the crazy enterprise afloat, and the three idle girls comfortable and decently dressed.

So Helen and Jennie were introduced, and the matron said she would find two rooms in the nurses' quarters for the visitors. But first the three girls must go to Ruth's little cell and have tea while they talked. "First of all," Helen began. "How is Tommy-boy?" "He is perfectly well as far as I know," Ruth said gravely. "Goodness! You are not mad with him?" "Of course not.