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If ever a feller needed a nice, sensible wife to take care of him, it's Gil. I know. Ain't I his uncle?" "You think she would make him a good wife?" Lucia Pell got the words out somehow, never lifting her eyes from the printed page. "The finest in the world!" Uncle Henry affirmed. "Now, looky here, Mis' Pell: He won't listen to me funny the way folks are about their relatives.

Donald had an eye for such spots, and though he had, I dare say, never read Gil Blas or Don Quixote, yet he chose such halting-places as Le Sage or Cervantes would have described.

And Gil Diaz gave order that when he died they should bury him by that good horse Bavieca, whom he had loved so well. XVI. Four years after the Cid had departed that noble lady Dona Ximena departed also, she who had been the wife of that noble baron the Cid Ruydiez, the Campeador. At that time Don Garcia Tellez was Abbot of the Monastery, a right noble monk, and a great hidalgo.

When I feel my muse beginning to jade, I retire to the solitary fireside of my study, and there commit my effusions to paper; swinging at intervals on the hind legs of my elbow chair, by way of calling forth my own critical strictures, as my pen goes on. Seriously, this, at home, is almost invariably my way. What cursed egotism! "Gil Morice" I am for leaving out.

From that blessed little room, Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Humphrey Clinker, Tom Jones, the Vicar of Wakefield, Don Quixote, Gil Blas, and Robinson Crusoe, came out, a glorious host, to keep me company.

The director bowed his head and shook it twice slowly and with much meaning. He did not say anything at all; no one said anything. Gil Huntley looked at Jean and tried to catch her eye, so that he might give her some greeting, or at least a glance of understanding. But Jean was wholly concerned with the problem which confronted Muriel.

I have been working at literature like a galley-slave; have contributed no end of stuff to the Quarterlies; and am engaged upon a book, yes Gil, positively a book, which I hope may do great things for me if ever I can finish it." "Is it a novel?" "A novel! no!" cried John Saltram, with a wry face; "it is the romance of reality I deal with. My book is a Life of Jonathan Swift.

Driving through a throng of beggars that encumbered the carriage wheels as grasshoppers sometimes do the locomotives on a Western railway, we came to the fine Gothic Cathedral, built by Gil de Ontanon, father and son, in the early part of the sixteenth century.

I thought I had saved the marshal all trouble, M. Francois replied. 'Is he not dead, Gil? The poor wretch made answer for himself, crying out piteously, and in a choking voice, for a priest to shrive him.

And the Bishop Don Hieronymo went on one side of him, and the trusty Gil Diaz on the other, and he led the horse Bavieca, as the Cid had commanded him. And when all this had been made ready, they went out from Valencia at midnight, through the gate of Roseros, which is towards Castille.