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"Oh, just a clean oot wie a grain o' basic slag noo and than," said the gardener. "And I just gie them some lime ilka time I think the ground is needin' it." "Well, the result is very good," said the detective. "By the way, have you been working on that bed lately? I picked this up among the violas. Did you happen to drop it?"

"Your great ancestor never said so, my Lord," answered Major Galbraith; "and, with submission, neither would your Grace have occasion to say it, wad ye but be for beginning justice at the well-head Gie the honest man his mear again Let every head wear it's ane bannet, and the distractions o' the Lennox wad be mended wi' them o'the land." "Hush! hush!

"Ay, ay, nae doot o' that," quoth the old quarter-master; "but she'll no catch us the gait she's ganging the noo. This is oor ain weather, and I wad like brawly to see the freegate that can beat us wi' nae mair wind than this. Yon Frenchman wad gie a hantle o' siller to see the breeze freshen, but it'll no do that yet awhile."

"Noo," he said, humbly, "gin it wad be ony satisfaction to ye, I'll gang up to the Castle an' put on fatigue dress, no' to disgrace the unifarm o' her Maijesty, an' let ye tak' me oot on the Burghmuir an' gie me a gude lickin'." Mr. Traill shrugged his shoulders. "Naething would satisfy me, man, but to get behind you and kick you over the Firth into the Kingdom of Fife."

Butler, I kend onything that wad mak ye weel, for they hae mair medicines in this town of York than wad cure a' Scotland, and surely some of them wad be gude for your complaints. If ye had a kindly motherly body to nurse ye, and no to let ye waste yoursell wi' reading whilk ye read mair than eneugh wi' the bairns in the schule and to gie ye warm milk in the morning, I wad be mair easy for ye.

We're for manhood suffrage, an' the ballot, and we look to you to be oor advocate, for we thocht ye was to be oor member. If so be as we had had our richts, and had votes to gie, ye should hae them a'." "It's fear it's fear of the earl and the Freeburgh gentry that keeps him frae speakin' oot his mind," said Sandy Pringle; "but his heart is a' richt.

And that's very true I hae nae time to be standing here clavering Landlord, get us our breakfast, and see an' get the yauds fed I am for doun to Christy Wilson's, to see if him and me can gree about the luckpenny I am to gie him for his year-aulds. We had drank sax mutchkins to the making the bargain at St.

See he be disposed of as already directed, and take good care he is strictly guarded. And now gie us a crossbow, Sir Richard Hoghton, and bid the prickers drive the deer afore us, for we wad try our skill as a marksman."

"And what wad ye gie to ony ane," said Edie, "that wad help ye to sic another kistfu' o' silver!" "Give? mein himmel! one great big quarter of it."

No one bade us welcome, nor did any one offer to take our horses, from which we had alighted; and to our various inquiries, the hopeless response of "Ha niel Sassenach," was the only answer we could extract. "If I gie ye a bawbee," said he to an urchin of about ten years old, with a fragment of a tattered plaid about him, "will you understand Sassenach?"