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"Gib it to him!" This increased John's exasperation. By this time he was almost foaming at the mouth. "I'll kill you, Frank Frost," he exclaimed, this time rushing at him without a stick. Frank had been in the habit of wrestling for sport with the boys of his own size. In this way he had acquired a certain amount of dexterity in "tripping up." John, on the contrary, was unpractised.

Potter has only half a house, though I suppose he's rich enough to buy up all West Point if it were for sale; but he had got a chum of his, who lives in the other half, to clear out of his part and give it to us for the day and night. Vic has been to Aldershot, and even to Malta and Gib.

"The motion's denied," announced Mr. Gibney firmly. "Now, looky here, Gib, that ain't fair. Didn't you fight Tabu-Tabu an' didn't Scraggsy fight the king o' Kandavu? I ain't had no fightin' this entire v'yage an' I did cal'late to lick that doggone mate." "Mac, it can't be done nohow." "Oh, it can't, eh? Well, I'll just bet you two boys my interest in the syndicate "

"Have you forgotten something?" Stuart looked back at the front door in momentary indecision. "Ye-es," he answered. "I did forget something. But it doesn't matter," he added, cheerfully, taking Sloane's arm. "Come on," he said, "and so Seldon made a hit, did he? I am glad and tell me, old man, how long will we have to wait at Gib for the P. & O.?"

She read it through and looked earnestly at Tony. "He says you are to be trusted," she said. "Is that so?" "I would gib my life for him twenty times over," Tony replied. "He got me away from a brutal master and bought my wife out ob slavery for me. What does he say, ma'am? For de Lord sake tell me. Perhaps he tell me how to get him clar." The woman read out the contents of the note.

Then, with all three of us safe an' out o' the mess, an' the evidence off our hands, we'll clear out for Gawd's country an' look around for some sort of a profitable investment." "What you figurin' on, Gib?" demanded Captain Scraggs. "I hope it's a steamboat. This wild adventure is all right when you get away with it, but I like steamboatin' on the bay an' up the river."

That gets you out clean an' saves your original capital, an' it gits Scraggsy out the same way, while nettin' me an' Neils five hundred each." "A rate war would ruin us," McGuffey agreed. "In addition to sourin' Scraggsy's disposition until he wouldn't be fit to live with. Gib, you're a wonder." "I know it," Mr. Gibney replied.

So you des lemme know, en ef he gits any wusser I'll be willin' ter gib yer five hund'ed dollars fer 'im, en take my chances on his livin'. "Sho 'nuff, when Henry begun ter draw up wid de rheumatiz en it look like he gwine ter die fer sho, his noo marster sen' fer Mars Dugal', en Mars Dugal' gin him what he promus, en brung Henry home ag'in.

"Gib, my dear boy," quavered Captain Scraggs, "you can't mean to say you've unloaded them gosh-awful codfish " "No, not yet but soon, Scraggsy, old tarpot." Captain Scraggs removed his near-Panama hat, cast it on the deck, and pranced upon it in a terrible rage. "I won't receive your rotten freight, you scum of the docks," he raved. "You'll run me outer house an' home with that horrible stuff."

"Well, when Snowball sees Muster Crockydile so near as there was no getting out of the way, he says 'You jist wait a bit, Massa Crock, I'll gib yar suffin to sniff at. An' so, without more ado, he unscrews one of his wooden legs, and walks into the animal's jaws." "Oh, oh, oh!" A general groan of incredulity. "Absurd," said Mr.