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"Dun'no'," replied Jerome; then he gave a weak, childish gesture, and caught his breath in a sob. He was scarcely more than a child, after all, and his uncle Ozias was the only remaining natural tower to his helplessness. "O Lord, don't ye go to whimperin', big man like you!" responded Ozias Lamb, quickly. "Look at here " Ozias paused a moment, pondering.

They scraped the key out of the little hole under the door, and the biggest of them thrust it into the rusty lock, and, standing on her toes, turned it with all the strength of her small hands. Then the woman turned to the strange lady and gentleman; she made a gesture of invitation with her thin right hand: "Entrez." They stepped in.

I half wish you had left me to drown," and with a slight, despairing gesture she turned away and did not look back. Ackland's face lighted up with a sudden flash of intelligence and deep feeling.

Presently the door of the bank opened, and Sibley saw Studd Bradley lean forward eagerly, then draw back and speak hurriedly to his companions, using a gesture of satisfaction. "Something damn funny there!" Sibley said to himself, and stepped forward to Crozier with a friendly exclamation. Crozier turned rather impatiently, for his face was aflame with some exciting reflection.

"Then you do not relinquish your hopes, and lay down your tools?" he asked, with some eagerness. "Never! I thought at first that I could not serve two masters, but in trying to be faithful to one I find I am nearer and dearer to the other. All the old enthusiasm shone in her eyes, and a sense of power betrayed itself in voice and gesture as she spoke. "I believe it," he said heartily.

"I? I possess the whole world!" cried Capraja, with a sovereign gesture of his hand. "And I have devoured it!" replied the Duke. They observed that the physician and Vendramin were gone, and that they were alone. Next morning, after a night of perfect happiness, the Prince's sleep was disturbed by a dream.

Felton sat down upon an armchair which happened to be near the door, and waited without speaking a word, without making a gesture. Milady possessed that great art, so much studied by women, of looking through her long eyelashes without appearing to open the lids. She perceived Felton, who sat with his back toward her.

It was the "Angels' Serenade." Bud Tipworthy's sister, Cynthia, was with him, and Parker saw that she turned from the window and that she was crying, quietly; she put her hand on the boy's shoulder and patted it with a forlorn gesture which, to the foreman's eye, was as graceful as it was sad.

"You have all the world before you, my girl," said Boundary in his slow, ponderous way, "a beautiful and bright future, plenty of money, pearls, diamonds," he waved his hand with a vague gesture, "and Pinto, who is the most valuable of my business associates, is very fond of you." The girl sighed helplessly. "I thought that matter had been finished and done with, colonel," she said.

He had seen lowlands girls use almost the same gesture when, in drawing-rooms, some topic had come up which they did not wish to talk about. "Huh! Her!" said Madge and would have changed the subject had he let her. "Really?" he asked, wickedly. "Didn't you like her?"