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For days together he wandered about the loneliest paths of the garden, apparently anxious to escape the presence even of his daughter. If she caught a glimpse of him at a distance, a fierce look of irritation was perceptible on his face, while his arms were thrown about in rapid and convulsive gesticulations.

This was the only effect which his grimaces and gesticulations produced upon her, although outwardly she kept a solemn appearance, and even from time to time shut her eyes to encourage him.

The terrified gesticulations and the shouts of Rushton's party only served to infuriate him, because he imagined that they were jeering at him for not being able to overtake them. He stood up on the footboard and lashed the horses till they almost flew over the ground, while the carriage swayed and skidded in a fearful manner.

By their looks and gesticulations I had little doubt that it was with the intention of torturing him. Poor Malcolm lifted up his countenance and gazed with calm resignation at his approaching tormentors. My knees trembled for very anxiety. Just then I heard a low "croak! croak!" Though warned, I believed that it was really a frog close to me.

More people came streaming in, attracted by the chef's cries and gesticulations. Some were bewildered, a few frightened. Others were laughing, thinking the whole thing a joke. The scene was rapidly taking on the proportions of a riot! "Whoa! Slow down, Chow!" Tom ordered, trying to make himself heard above the din. "It it's the truth, boss!"

'Poor dear boy, she had said once, 'how sad it is that he should be so stupid! She had never repeated that remark, for the Doctor had raged like a wild bull, denouncing the brutal bluntness of her mind, bemoaning his own fate to be so unequally mated with an ass, and, what touched Anastasie more nearly, menacing the table china by the fury of his gesticulations.

She watched me in silence, and with an air of ineffable solicitude. Clarice, governed by the instinct of modesty, wrapped her bosom and face in the bedclothes, and testified her horror by vehement but scarcely-articulate exclamations. I moved forward, but my steps were random and tottering. My thoughts were fettered by reverie, and my gesticulations destitute of meaning.

After travelling some distance, the men left us sitting on a blanket upon the snow, and went ahead a short distance where they stopped and talked earnestly with many gesticulations. We watched them, trembling lest they leave us there to freeze. Then Frances said, "Don't feel afraid. If they go off and leave us, I can lead you back to mother by our foot tracks on the snow."

We drew near among the people and saw a young officer arm in arm with a French peasant one of the market porters telling a tale in broken French to the audience about him, with comic gesticulations and extraordinary volubility. A woman put her hand on my shoulder and spoke in French. "He has drunk too much bad wine. His legs walk away from him. He will be in trouble, Monsieur.

"Something terrible though, I am sure." By this time the entire group were circling the house, and their wild shrill cadent song rose high and loud: "Ki yi yi um Ah! Ah! Ah! The single dancer tore his hair again and again, and repeated his mad gesticulations. Only one figure stood back impassive not singing and not taking any part in the weird demonstration.